Alias(es): Dark Mousy, Black Wings (Koku Yoku), Phantom Thief
Alter Ego: Daisuke Niwa (current)
Race: ... Angel?
Birthday: November 11th
Age: Appears to be 17-18, actually 300 years
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Purple
Status: Phantom Thief
Quote: Alright, alright, I won't kiss her!
Anime: D.N.Angel
Voice: (English) Vic Mignogna (Japanese) Masaya Onosaka
History and Personality: Dark is an entity passed on through the Niwa family to each new male once he reaches the age of 14 and experiences love. He was gone for 40 years due to the fact that Daisuke's grandfather Daiki, who was Dark before Daisuke, had an only daughter, Emiko. Being female, it was impossible for her to become Dark. He is the phantom thief who (in the anime) constantly steals cursed art pieces made by the Hikari family in order to seal their harmful powers (the only exception known is the Agate Links, which was an heirloom given as a gift from Daiki to Menou in the anime, but in the manga, it was stolen). Dark is a horrible flirt, though apparently he was truly in love with Risa and Riku's grandmother, Rika. Because of Risa's similarity to her grandmother in appearance Dark shows an interest in her, but later breaks it off. (This annoys Daisuke who originally thought he was in love with Risa Harada, but later finds out that he truly loves Riku Harada, the older of the twins.)
Dark uses Wiz (or With) as his wings, since his real ones, like Krad's and their magic, would hurt Daisuke. In the English version, Dark is known as the Phantom Thief Dark. Every time he uses his magic he gets closer and closer to his "true form." In the eighth book of the manga, Krad called Dark "Kokuyoku," referring (once again, in the manga) to Dark's "true name." This name, it seems, is one that Dark and Krad shared when they were both one figure. Taking this into consideration, there are hints both in the anime and manga that Dark and Krad were both an art piece made by the Hikari. In the last episode in the anime, Dark seals himself and Krad back into the sculpture where he and Krad were made. Apparently this ends the cycle of cursed magic freeing both families from their "curse".
Though Dark is a flirt, and a bit egotistical, he has good intentions and can be very gentle. When possible Dark attempts to help the spirits trapped in the artwork rather than simply seal them. He seems to have more opportunity to do this with Daisuke, though whether this is because Daisuke's gentle nature is influencing him, or only because the writers needed to wrap everything up in order to seal Dark forever, is uncertain... Regardless, it is obvious that Dark has as much concern for his host as he does for his mission, as evidenced in the way he protects Daisuke and his use of With. When his behavior is compared to that of Krad it becomes quite obvious that Dark, however much he might tease Daisuke, cares for the well being of his host.
Relationships: Naturally Dark's deepest relationship is with his host, Daisuke. Though many fans speculate a romantic interest between the two, the series is quite clear that they are each interested in one of the twins. However, the two are still very close, which is only natural considering they essentially share a body and mind. At first the two are often at odds, since Daisuke is more serious and less flirtatious than Dark. However, they come to rely on one another's strengths and work well as a team. Both are genuinely disturbed when forced to separate.
The only other strong relationship Dark has is with Krad - and their relationship is far from friendship. These two are eternal enemies, two halves of one soul, forever locked in combat against one another - light versus dark. Krad is cruel and selfish, and desires only to destroy Dark. Dark does not seem to harbor such an intense hatred, but is clearly disgusted by Krad's behavior and is determined to stop him no matter the personal cost.
Dark has a brief relationship with Risa, the 'younger' Harada twin, much to Daisuke's dismay. However, Dark soon realizes that his interest in Risa is based primarily on the fact that she looks like her grandmother who he loved, and he breaks up with her in an effort to spare her further heartache later on. Much of this relationship was based upon Dark's natural flirtatious manner, and her obvious infatuation with him. But once she is in danger he refuses to allow it to continue.
Dark's relationship with the older Harada twin, Riku, is much rockier. He kissed her upon their first meeting to keep her quiet and she hated him from that point on.
Dark has great respect for Daisuke's grandfather, his previous host, and also Daisuke's mother (who is obsessed with Dark and her family's obligation to help him carry out his task.)
Techniques: Dark uses ancient magic, including chants (in German I believe) and hand signals. He also makes use of black feathers, which he uses in sealing, but also can use as weapons. He is also acrobatic and skilled in physical combat. He is also a strategist, able to use his environment in a battle, and able to create and carry out plans to stop his enemies. (That sounds dumb, but I can't think of another way to say it.)
Trivia: Dark Mousy was apparently a nickname given to him by Krad.
Dark always sends out detailed warnings before setting out to steal. in the manga he states that "honesty is the best policy", and ironic creed for a thief...
Dark and Krad were created by accident when the Hikari family tried to create a living artwork, but the Niwa family interfered. As a result two souls were created, one sealed within the Hikari family, and the other within the Niwa family.
Why we love him: Why not? Cool, confident, handsome, and he's like Robin Hood only better! He steals to save the world... and then he gives what he stole back! Why are people trying to arrest him? While Dark's looks and ability are certainly attractive, it's his softer side that keeps us hooked. He really is a sweetheart under all that bravado.
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