Name: (English) Duke
Devlin (Japanese) Ryuji Otogi
Birthday: February 28
Age: 16
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140.8 lbs
Blood Type: B
Family: Father
Status: 2nd year high school student, creator of Dungeon Dice Monsters, Game shop owner
Quote: Let's get this party started!
Anime: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Voice: (English) Marc Thompson (Japanese) Ryo Naitou
History and Personality: Duke is cool, calm, suave, and confident - usually, although he does lose his temper in his first game with Yugi, but he's under a bit of stress then... He is witty and can be chivalrous, though that's probably just because he loves getting the attention of all the girls. He's actually pretty clever and reliable though. As with many anime bishies Duke has his own fanclub at school.
Stepping suddenly into the scene, Duke Devlin originally arrives on a mission: to get revenge on one Yugi Moto for ruining his chances for a great game success by making Pegasus virtually disappear of the face of the planet.
You see, Duke likes Duel Monsters, but his real love is dice. So he decided to develop a way to combine those ideas into a new game. He spent a long time developing every aspect of the game, using concepts from dice-based RPGs and from Duel Monsters. Eventually, he had it all together: Dungeon Dice Monsters.
He decided to submit his game idea to Industrial Illusions to see if they would distribute the game. Pegasus himself invited Devlin to Duelist Kingdom to try the game out. Pegasus used the Millennium Eye to cheat and win the game, but he complimented Devlin on such a fascinating concept. He said he'd begin work on the game soon, but he a had a tournament about to begin on the island. He would see to the game after the tournament. Devlin left the island with a marked respect for the man.
Yugi then beat Pegasus at the end of the tournament, and ever since then, Pegasus has been out of the picture (Devlin doesn't know the real reason for Pegasus' incapacitation: his encounter with Yami Bakura and the theft of the Millennium Eye). Devlin was mad. To him, Yugi had robbed Devlin of his chance, and he couldn't believe that Yugi could beat Pegasus at the game that Pegasus had created himself. Thus, when he beat Joey and Yugi attempted to challenge to save Joey's face, Devlin set the challenge: a duel with Dungeon Dice Monsters...and if Yugi lost, he'd never duel again.
It was then Yugi managed to beat Devlin (at the game that he created) that Devlin realized finally that Yugi was the genuine article: the King of Games. His spirits received a boost, however, when a e-mail came from Industrial Illusions. It was the contract for the Dungeon Dice Monsters game. With that, he was able to make up with Yugi and the gang.
Duke Devlin re-appears on the scene in Battle City, first by coming to Tristan and Serenity's aid. This would turn out, however, to be the beginning of a rivalry...because both he and Tristan are developing a crush on Serenity! He participates in the duels against the Big 5 in the virtual confrontation with Noah. He attentds the Battle City semi-finals and finals, helping Joey after his loss to Marik. He also plays a part in bringing down Dartz in the Atlantis arc of the anime, though he mostly drives and watches over the Hawkins. He is also around during Kaiba's Grand Championships though his purpose appears to be cheering for his friends.
In the manga, Otogi (Duke) is forced to have a Dungeon Dice Monsters duel with Yugi by his father, who was cursed by an ancient game he once played with Yugi's grandfather, Sugoroku Mutou (Solomon Moto). Otogi's father wanted revenge on Solomon by doing to his grandson what Solomon had done to him. He also wants his son Ryuji to become the new owner of the Millennium Puzzle. During the course of the game, Otogi's father smashes the Millennium Puzzle to pieces. Although Yugi succeeds in defeating Otogi, Otogi's father grabs Yugi and the Puzzle and takes it to a secret room where he attempts to piece the Puzzle back together again. However, doing this causes him to hallucinate about being trapped in a maze, and in his confusion he knocks over a candle, setting the building on fire. Yugi is forced to solve the Puzzle on his own in the burning building, and though he does, he faints, but is rescued by Joey.
Relationships: Obviously Duke's most important series relationship is with Yugi because Yugi is the main character of the series. At first he hates Yugi, thinking that he cheated to beat Pegasus and forced Pegasus into seclusion, which ruined the chances for his game. He is confused by Yugi's behavior toward his friends, and Yugi's evident honor (well, Yami's really), unable to reconcile these actions and characteristics with the person he had decided Yugi was. Eventually he realizes that he was wrong about Yugi and they become friends. Duke is then very supportive of Yugi.
Because of Duke's initial behavior toward Joey (ie. making a fool of him) one would think that the two would have a very rocky relationship, however, Joey has learned a lot from Yugi and the two are able to put the past behind them and get along well. Duke even supports Joey after his loss to Marik in Battle City. Of course, Joey might not be so amiable towards the dark haired teen if he knew Duke was after his sister...
This brings us to Duke's relationship with Serenity. Duke likes Serenity, though it sometimes seems that he likes the fact that his liking Serenity bothers Tristan more than he actually has any interest in her. He protects her. But Serenity is pretty clueless. That makes her one of the few girls in the world immune to his charm.
Duke's relationship with Tristan is fairly comical, taking on the role the friendship between Tristan and Joey played before Joey became a more serious character. In some ways the two teens are very much alike. They are both content to look after their friends while staying out of the spotlight, comfortable with the role of supporting comrade. They are both protective of their friends, helping out where they can, generally using wit or muscle to get out of bad situations. And they both like the same girl. This causes more comedy then tension however and though they are "rivals" they don't fight much. In fact the only time they have a problem is when Duke tries to put a move on Serenity. Then Tristan gets mad, and threatening, but he never actually does anything. It sometimes seems as though Duke only does this to see Tristan all riled up. It does seem as though the enjoy one another's company though, even if they do spend half their time blaming each other for anything that goes wrong.
Deck: Machine/luck - Duke's deck is based around monsters from his own game, Dungeon Dice Monsters. It also includes magic and trap cards based on dice, making it a gamble deck similar to Joey's.
The following is a list of his notable cards.
Monster Cards -Magic Cards -
Trap Cards -
Trivia: Apparently Duke like Chinese food, but not Vinegared food (whatever that is...)
Why we love him: Because he's cute... okay, so not entirely, I'm not that shallow. I love that even though Duke hates Yugi with a passion at first he can get over it and be friends with him when he realizes he is wrong. And I love that he can be counted on, even if he has to stay behind and look after the kid (Rebecca) instead of getting to go see the excitement. Plus, he makes great side comments.
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