Name: (English) Lan
Hikari (Japanese) Netto Hikari
Birthday: June 10th
Age: 12
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Blood Type: B
Family: Father, Yuichiro Hikari (a famous "scientists" - more like a programmer); Mother, Haruka Hikari
Status: Elementary student, Net Battler, NetSaver
Quote: Jack in! Power up!
Anime: Megaman: NT Warrior (Rockman.EXE for the non-dubbers)
Voice: (English) Alex Doduk (episodes 1-16), Brad Swaile (episodes 17+) (Japanese) Higa Kumiko
History and Personality: Lan is a normal fifth-grader in DenTech City. His father, Yuuichirou Hikari, is a renowned scientist in the technology of PETs and NetNavis. Actually, Lan's Grandfather created the netnavi technology. Lan is frustrated with his weak, standard level NetNavi... until his father sends him a custom burn disc. Using the disc, Lan's plain ol' boring NetNavi is upgraded to the powerful MegaMan! Lan is the typical klutzy, overconfident, though caring and brave anime protagonist that we all recognize and love. When he's not late to class or failing tests, he's battling evil net crime syndicates from creating global chaos and destruction. MegaMan acts more like a bigger brother than a NetNavi, often nagging Lan to get his homework done or to stop goofing off.
More than anything Lan wants adventure, and he gets it in spades because someone is always trying to mess up the net. Along for the ride are his friends Maylu (who might just possibly be his girlfriend, though even the Japanese version skirts the issue), Dex, Yai, and Tory and his rival Chaud Blaze. And in the second season Dex is replaced by his younger brother Chisoa (or something like that...) Aside from saving the net Lan also takes 2nd place (losing to Chaud, but that was rigged! Stupid interruptions by evil netnavis bent on taking over the world!) in the N! Grad Prix and becomes rather well known. In the second season he becomes a Netsaver (which means it is now his official job to rescue the net from psychos - the up side to that is that he gets help!). He helps the Net Police stop the Darkloids (rogue, solo navis) and Nebula (evil people who replace World 3). IN this season he gains two new abilities: Double soul, which allows him to combine Megaman with other navis and then save that data to use again when said navi is no longer present (this ability vastly expands Megaman's arsenal), and Cross Fusion, a technique developed by his father which allows him to merge with his navi inside a space called a Dimensional Area. This allows him to fight rogue navis who enter the real world. Lan and Megaman are one of a select few Operator.Navi pairs who are "in sync" enough to use this technique. To Lan's eternal frustration his rival Chaud and his navi, Protoman, can also crossfuse.
Relationships: Lan's closest friend is Maylu, and it's very likely the two are more than just friends (especially considering the end of the game...). Lan and Maylu have known each other all their lives and are very supportive of one another. Lan is very protective of Maylu (but then, he's protective of everyone really), but he only flirts with her when he's trying to bug Dex. At those times Maylu usually hurts him, but she still hangs out with him alone...
Lan's second closest friend, and first rival, is Dex. Evidently they've been friends for a while as well. However, Dex eventually becomes so frustrated with his inability to defeat Lan and Megaman that he joins the defunct World Three members and becomes an off again on again enemy of Lan's (though Lan seems more confused than anything else and never really battles him seriously).
Lan's most serious rival (and they claim not to get along although they work surprisingly well together) is Chaud Blaze, a rich and extremely talented Netbattler his own age. Chaud apparently spends his time helping run his fathers technology company which means he must be a genius as well, and I'm not sure if he goes to school... Much of the series deals with the difference between Lan and Chaud's opinions on the relationship between Navis and net ops. Lan obviously believes in friendship first, but Chaud treats it more like a business partnership. The series never picks a side, seeming to indicate that both ways can work, since Chaud can do just about everything Lan does and they take turns being the best.
Lan's best friend (maybe even better than Maylu) is Megaman, his navi - though sometimes Megaman seems more like his older brother than his navi as he's always chiding him and teasing him. Megaman means a great deal to Lan, though he does realize that "real people" are more important and several times he puts Megaman in real danger and even sacrifices him to save others. However, he never gives up on saving Megaman either, and is moved to tears more than once on Megaman's account. Fortunately for Lan Megaman was programmed to be friendly and intelligent, because sometimes Lan's just a little too impetuous. The two are a perfect combination in battle though, understanding one another's thoughts and filling in the gaps for one another.
Lan's just so friendly that he picks up new friends and friendly rivals all the time. We can't go into the all, but there is a core group. Among these are Yai (a rich genius girl two years younger but in the same grade who hangs out with them all the time), Tory (a rather shy boy about a year younger who is around on and off), and Chizoa, Dex's younger brother who just wants a navi of his own! He also has pretty strong relationships with the adults around him, especially Mesa (the fish salesman and undercover Net agent who always reminds the kids to eat calcium, and often as not causes mayhem by complete accident). Ms. Mari (his teacher who spends most of her time confused and fending off Mesa and Higsby - as kindly as possible of course), and Higsby (a chip crazy net op who sotes on Ms. Mari and generally gets in the way).
Techniques: He's pretty mean on them roller blades... oh, no, just kidding, although he is that's not really a technique... Well, since Lan is a net op he doesn't actually battle so he uses chips and... strategy? Though in the second season he can cross fuse and then he uses... chips and... strategy ^_^ Lan's favorite chips are Long sword and Megabuster and he uses a sword program advance most often...
Trivia: Evidently Lan is shorter than Maylu according to the official guide, though in the anime they aren't consistent about who they draw tallest...
Lan's name in Japanese is a pun on the word Net (as in internet)... evidently the kanji is almost identical...
In the games we learn that Megaman is actually Lan's "older" twin brother reborn as a net navi. Lan's brother, Hub (Saito) died when he was between 4 and 6 from a disease and his dad used his DNA as a base for Megaman's program.
At the end of the game Megaman Battle Network 6 we find out that Lan marries Maylu and they have a kid! The kid's name is Patch (Raito is Japanese)
Why we love him: He's so adorable! So spunky, and eager, and he doesn't think things through, but he just wants to help people! Kids are so cute when they try to be brave and responsible. And why do those adults always just step aside and let the 12 year old do all the work, like stop the careening subway train and put out raging fires? And how can you be that clueless and yet always manage to do the right thing to save the world? He's just too cute ^_^
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