Name: Michael
Age: 16 years
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Status: Computer expert for the STN-J
Quote: Yes, boss!
Anime: Witch Hunter Robin
Voice: (English) Dave Wittenberg (Japanese) Hiro Yuuki
History and Personality: A hacker and technical support expert in the STN-J. He is confined to the STN-J building 24/7 by Zaizen after being caught hacking into the STN-J's computer network (the only network he was unable to avoid detection, as he states to Robin). He was then forced with the decision to either work for the STN-J until further notice, or die on the spot when confronted by officials in his apartment. Michael is somewhat avoidant of Robin at first, but then begins to warm up to her a little bit, particularly when they have discussions over coffee and doughnuts. Michael tends to be quiet and no very social or outgoing. IN fact, he tends to drown out his coworkers, focusing on his work and ignoring them completely. This leads to them pretty much ignoring him too. It seems Robin was the first person who bothered to talk to him about anything that wasn't work related. Since he can't ever leave the STN-J office (not even to go home) he doesn't have any outside friends. Michael is able to dig up extensive information about various witches, police reports, and the like, all the while covering his tracks. Though Michael loves the challenge of hacking he never intentionally harmed any system he hacked so he wasn't really "bad".
Relationships: The only relationship Michael really has (that is personal and not just work related) is with Robin. Though she initiates the friendship Michael comes to care deeply for her, even risking his life to help her against Zaizen's wishes. He also has contact with her after she leaves the STN-J the first time. Because of this many fans speculate that Michael may be in love with Robin.
Trivia: Michael is almost always listening to music, especially in the beginning of the series.
Michael adores junk food, but he's scarily skinny... and he doesn't even get to go outside to exercise!
Why we love him: He's antisocial and a bit of a geek, but he's genuine and you've just got to feel for him - he can't step foot outside that lousy office! His life has been lived in the fear of Zaizen killing him and yet he's willing to risk everything for the one friend he has. If that isn't sweet, I don't know what is. Plus I like the voice actor... that means something to me!
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