Name: (English) Protoman (Japanese)
Alias(es): Dark Protoman
Race: n/a net navi
Hair: Silver/white
Eyes: we wouldn't know... he always wears that helmet with the sunglasses...
Status: one of the Ultimate program navis
Quote: Don't get in my way, kid.
Anime: Megaman: NT Warrior, Megaman Axcess
Voice: (English) David Kaye (Japanese) Masaya Matsukaze
History and Personality: Protoman.EXE is the Net Navi of Eugene Chaud (Chaud Blaze in the English anime, Enzan Ijuuin in the Japanese version) His Navi symbol, a circle split with a thunderbolt pattern into two black and white sections, can be seen on Protoman's chest and gloves, as well as, in the games but not in the anime, on the back of Chaud's vest. Unlike his robot counterpart Protoman, he normally uses a sword weapon instead of a buster, although he does carry a shield reminiscent of the original Protoman's, and does have a buster weapon when he is player-controlled in MegaMan Battle Network 5.
ProtoMan is the fast and powerful and thanks to his abilities and Chaud's skill the two are the national champions. They are also the favorite to win the N1 Grand Prix. The only navi who comes close to being a true match and eventually rival for Protoman is Megaman. After observing Megaman and Lan (and bailing them out) before the N1 even began Protoman saw potential in them but feared they would never reach a high enough level to be an interesting challenge. When the two teams were forced to join up in the team rounds Protoman pretty much steam rolled over Megaman. Though navis have no age Protoman calls Megaman a kid and treats him like a novice, telling him to stay out of the way. Megaman earns his respect when he proves to be a true match in the final round - though Protoman is still the victor. However, when Megaman saves Protoman from Pharaohman and is deleted Protoman feels an obligation to him that goes beyond respect. He even ends up being the one to save Megaman. After this he proclaims his debt paid in full, but it is obvious in the second season that he now respects Megaman. Occasionally Chaud and Protoman poke in to help Lan and Megaman out of a sticky situation.Protoman later helped in the Grave arc, as Grave agent Gauss was hacking into Blaze Quest. When the Grave Mega Virus attacked Net City, Protoman sacrificed himself to save a female navi, but he was restored by Megaman.
It isn't until the third season, which might technically be called a second series involving the same characters that we truly begin to get to know this character. In this season Protoman and Chaud are able to cross-fuse like Lan and Megaman. Here we see a true change in Protoman's character as he begins to realize that Navis can have friends too and begins to develop compassion. This is most evident when he sacrifices himself to the dark chip so that Megaman can remain free. Sadly the chip possesses Protoman turning him against the people (and Navis) he has just begun to look at as friends. He escapes and later returns as Dark Protoman (Dark Blues), a Darkloid completely absorbed by the Dark Aura due to the tampering of Laserman. As Axcess reached its finale, Chaud was able to rescue his friend's spirit, returning him to normal by Cross Fusing with him, confronting him within the confines of his heart.
Unlike Megaman and his comrades, Protoman shows very little emotion, and often follows Chaud's orders without question. He usually acts arrogant and condescending towards Megaman and Lan, and is somewhat of a loner of the "strong but silent" type. Despite this, Protoman has, on numerous occasions, helped Megaman out of tight spots and shown compassion. Since he met Megaman, Protoman has often wondered about how an operator should care for his Net Navi. It is through his interactions with Megaman and his friends that Protoman learns that navis can have real relationships and friendships.
In the anime, Protoman starts out much like his game counterpart, quiet and obedient. As the series progresses, he eventually grows out of his former ways, and establishes strong friendships with others. He gains a greater respect for Megaman and treats him as an equal, while establishing closer ties to his comrades in general, especially Chaud, to whom he owes his life for saving him from the Dark Aura.
Relationships: As stated in the history and personality section Protoman doesn't much bother with relationships. He's got a bit of a superiority complex and he also honestly believes (at first) that Navis are data programmed to battle and perform other tasks. He doesn't need friends to accomplish his purpose in life. However, there are some 'relationships' even he can't avoid. Let's start with the obvious: his net op.
Chaud- At the start of the series the only person Protoman had any interest in contact with is his net op Chaud. Chaud and Protoman aren't friends, it may be argued that they are barely even partners, but they understand one another and work well together. It is not until later in the series that Protoman seems to feel anything other than loyalty and perhaps respect for Chaud. However, through his interaction with Megman, Lan, and their friends and thanks to some rough times he eventually forms a true friendship with Chaud.
Megaman- Protoman's relationship with Megaman is a little strange. He sees Megaman as a novice, a kid, and yet he sees potential there. He hopes it develops primarily because he'd like a battle that is actually a test of his skills. Though at first Protoman treats Megaman with a measure of disdain Megaman does his best to be friendly. Eventually Megaman earns Protoman's respect and they learn to work together to some extent. Finally Protoman offers his friendship after he is saved from the Dark Chip.
Techniques: Protosword, Delta Ray Edge, Battle chips. Protoman is extremely fast and favors an attack in which he arms two swords and then spins quickly creating a sort of cyclone.
Trivia: Protoman appears as a boss in every Megaman Battle Network game, with the exception of the Red Sun version of Battle Network 4 and the Team Colonel version of Battle Network 5, though he appears briefly at the end of the Dark Colonel Liberation Mission and assists Toadman to return Colonel to his former self.
Why we love him: Well, he got it before Chaud did. Honestly, he's so much like Sesshoumaru that I just can't get over it. He talks like him too... what can I say? I have a thing for cool, arrogant, long white haired, weapons of destruction. He's gorgeous I tell you!
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