Name: (English) Richie (Japanese)
Age: 10 years
Hair: Auburn (call it brown if you want, but I think it has a distinctly red tint)
Eyes: Black
Height: About the same as Ash, so around 5'5"
Status: Pokemon Trainer
Anime: Pokemon, Pokemon Chronicles
Voice: (English) Tara Jayne (Japanese) Minami Takayama
History and Personality: Richie, a Pokémon Trainer, befriends Ash Ketchum during the Kanto (Indigo) Pokémon League tournament. All of his Pokémon share the characteristic of having nicknames in the English version of the anime. For example, his Pikachu is nicknamed "Sparky" ("Chuchino" in manga). Comparisons of Ash and Richie parallel comparisons of Red, from Pokémon Red and Blue and Yellow, the protagonist of Pokémon Yellow version. They're both very similar characters with similar outlooks, goals, and personalities, and end up taking very slightly different paths in life. Richie has also noted that he and Ash tend to catch many of the same species of Pokémon. Indeed, every Pokémon Richie has been seen to use is from the same evolutionary line as one Ash has used. This has led many fans to refer to Richie as a clone of Ash. Ash actually loses to Richie in the Indigo league but Richie loses the match after that and is out of the contest. Richie teaches Ash how to be a good sport both as a winner and a loser.
Richie re-appeared in the Whirl Islands, and is one of the protagonists of Pokémon Chronicles. His most recent appearance was in the Sevii Islands, where he helped to protect Moltres from Butch & Cassidy. Richie revealed during Pokémon Chronicles that he is from Frotoma City.
Like Ash, Richie is open and friendly, close to his pokemon, and always willing to help others. Unlike Ash he has an easy going personality and is rarely angered or upset. Because he is calmer and more level headed than Ash his tactics are sometimes more intelligent leading some to claim that he is smarter than Ash. But I don't think they've ever taken an IQ test, so we'll never know for certain ^_^
Relationships: (with pokemon) Like Ash, Richie forms deep friendships with his pokemon and is closest to his pikachu. He even gives all of his pokemon nicknames.
Pokemon- Zippo (a charmeleon), Sparky (a pikachu), Happy (a butterfree), Cruz (a pupitar), Rose (a taillow), and an evee who is only mentioned.
Relationships: (with people) Richie is friendly in general and gets along with most people. Naturally the only relationship the show really goes into is his friendship with Ash. Ash and Richie are very similar and have similar goals. Because of this they are both rivals and friends.
Trivia: Richie's name in the Japanese is Hiroshi. He was named after the long time president of Nintendo, Hiroshi Yamauchi.
Why we love him: He's all the best parts of Ash, but much more mature. Honestly he's a sweet heart.
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