Russell Tringham
Alias(es): Edward Elric
Age: 14
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'5"
Family: Nash Tringham, Father (deceased); Brother, Fletcher
Status: Alchemist
Quote: Don't worry - if it comes down to it I'll protect you.
Anime: Full Metal Alchemist
Voice: (English) Justin Cook (Japanese) Kousuke Okano
History and Personality: Russell Tringham stole Edward's identity to work with a scientist on the Red Stone, and continue his father's work. He wants nothing more than to complete his father's dream, and will stop at nothing to do so-- he won't let anyone else take the credit for his work. While he might seem like a smart-aleck and poser (he's always making sarcastic jokes and bugging Ed about his height), he has a caring heart, and, just like Ed, tried his best to protect his younger brother. He also has a small amount of guilt for what his research as been doing-- not as big as his brothers, but it still shows.
Much to Ed's surprise, and horror, Russell is both a year younger than him, and about 6 inches taller. Even though Russell acts all high and mighty, he still aspires to be like Ed someday, without having to steal his identity.
Russell and Fletcher were also seen in Episode 48, taking Ed and Al's identity a second time, to get some state alchemist books from a book store in Central which had been seized by the Fuhrer. They were jailed for being the Elric brothers who were wanted by Bradley, and they were to be executed,hey escaped however, with the aid of Lt. Ross and Sgt. Brosche. Fletcher tells the two what happened so they hide and end up rescueing Ed and Izumi. The brothers give Edward their father's notes and lead Edward to the entrance to the Underground City using their father's notes. As Edward descends the hidden staircase, Russell utters one of the most poignant lines of the series: "Just come back... Just come back alive!" In the final episode of the anime, Russell and Fletcher are seen briefly, still experimenting with alchemy.
Relationships: Obviously Russell is closest to his brother, Fletcher. That doesn't mean he always, or ever really, listens to the poor kid though. Russell seems to believe in "any means to the end" while Fletcher often feels guilty about the things they do. However, Russell would do anything to protect his younger brother.
The only other relationship we really see for Russell is his relationship to Ed. Since when they first meet Russell is impersonating Ed, and Ed is treated as the imposter, they don't hit it off very well. And later Russell mocks Ed - a lot. But the truth is that Russell looks up to Ed. And once Russell stops being a jerk (well, a total jerk, because he never does stop making fun of Ed for being shorter...) Ed likes him well enough.
Techniques: He and his younger brother seem to favor alchemy which affects plants, mostly making trees grow up to do various things.
Trivia: Russell has an obsession with all things studying and books, which gets him into trouble ^_^
Why we love him: Why not? Gotta love the cheeky attitude combined with real intelligence. And then he's got a soft side too. Frankly, I think Justin Cook had the perfect voice for the character. No one can make a brat as lovable as Justin can ^_^
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