Name: (English) Takato
Matsuki (Japanese) Takato Matsuda
Age: 12 (in the English... in the Japanese they are all 10)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brownish-red
Family: Parents (both mother and father)
Status: Digi-destined, and as close to a leader as this group has...
Quote: Card slash!
Anime: Digimon Tamers (Digimon Season 3)
Voice: (English) Brian Beacock (Japanese) Tsumura Makoto
History and Personality:
Takato comes from a family who runs their very own bakery. Takato is cheerful, kind, friendly and sensitive. He loves playing the Digimon card game with his friends and is extremely imaginative and loves to be creative, so he likes drawing. One day he draws Guilmon on a notepad and his recently acquired D-Arc scans the drawings to create his new partner. At first he's not very good at battling (an example is the battle between Guilmon and Devidramon he was using cards that made things worse and the only reason that they won was his caring about Guilmon caused him to digivolve into Growlmon) but as time goes on he gets better at it (an example of this is the fight with IceDevimon an enemy even Kyubimon couldn't destroy but he'd gotten good enough at battling that he used the perfect combo on Guilmon that he was able to destroy IceDevimon easily without even digivolving to Growlmon). He seems to have a deep bond with Guilmon and when Guilmon was mortally wounded had some kind of dream where he and Guilmon (as Growlmon) talked where he said that he wasn't worthy to be a Tamer but if Growlmon still wanted to fight he'd help. This caused him to get a Blue Card and Growlmon digivolved to WarGrowlmon thanks to it and destroyed his foe. WarGrowlmon told him that he was worthy and thanked him for fighting with him. Later on his bond with Guilmon allowed him to reach him as Megidramon and cause him to de-digivolve. He wanted to help Guilmon fight Beelzemon so badly at that point that they digivolved together (called Biomerging) to form Gallantmon and defeated Beelzemon.
Takato is very sensitive, and always worries about others before himself. This is evident in his treatment of Guilomon as well as his interaction with Jeri and even Rika. He has an even temper (he doesn't even fight with Rika, who is very confrontational), and the one time he gets mad it terrifies him.
Movie: Battle of Adventurers - Takato took Guilmon with him to Okinawa, where he was to stay with his cousin, Kai, and his grandfather. Initially, Takato didn't want to go but he soon after liked the experience of the islands. When Digimon started showing up in Okinawa, Takato, Guilmon and Kai took up battle with several of them. After saving Minami, the daughter of the creator of a V-Pet, Takato looked after her until she was kidnapped by rogue Digimon and taken to VP Labs. Takato, Growlmon, Kai and Seasarmon, Minami's "partner", took after her and rescued her and her father before engaging Mephistomon in battle. Henry, Rika and their partners soon joined the battle against the Ultimate Level Digimon. Takato was present when the battle continued into another dimension where WarGrowlmon, Rapidmon and Taomon created the "Trinity Burst" to defeat Gulfmon.
Movie: Runaway Locomon - Takato was phoning Rika and let it slip that the others were planning a surprise party for her. To try and make up for it, he suggested they go look at cherry blossoms together instead, but the appearance of Locomon thwarted the idea. Takato and Growlmon were separated after the initial attack on Locomon, with Takato ending up onboard one of the Digimon's carriages. Rika and Renamon soon joined him onboard, but Rika was soon overtaken by Parasimon and was made to attack Takato. Guilmon, who had caught up to Locomon, helped free Rika from Parasimon's control and Takato Biomerged with him to become Gallantmon to save Rika from another Parasimon. Finding out that Locomon's destination was a portal to the Digital World that was allowing an invasion of Parasimon, Gallantmon, MegaGargomon, Sakuyamon and the other Tamers teamed up to defeat the incoming Parasimon. When the battle became too much, his determination to win caused Gallantmon to Mode Change into Crimson Mode and destroy all of the Parasimon in one shot. Afterwards, Takato attended Rika's birthday party and when Rika left he followed her, but Renamon stopped him from going to her and let her be alone.
Relationships: Takato is very kind to everyone so he has a lot of friends. At the start of the series his closest friends are Kenta and Kazu, who he plays Digimon with. He is also friends with Jeri, and seems to have a crush on her. He and Henry become close friends, and Takato considers Guilomon a friend as well.
Techniques: Takato can biomerge with Guilomon to become Gallantmon.
Trivia: Gallantmon is seen in a marketplace in Digimon season 4 (Digimon Frontier). In the English dub it speaks with the "biomerge" voice from Season three and refers to itself as "we", indicating that possibly it really is Takato and Guilomon in biomerged form. However, this would beg the question: why are they doing nothing to help save the Digital world? Still, it is a cute cameo appearance for the pair.
Why we love him: He tries so hard to help everyone, and he's so sweet! He goes out of his way to help others no matter how they treat him. How can you not love a guy like that?
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