(English) Tristan Taylor (Japanese) Hiroto Honda
Birthday: April 19th
Age: 16
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'10" - 5' 11"
Weight: 143 lbs.
Blood Type: A
Family: Elder sister; Mother; Nephew, Cedric
Status: First year high school student at beginning
Quote: You just tell me the hospital and I'll go visit sweet Serenity by myself.
Anime: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Voice: (English) Sam Regal, Frank Frankson (Japanese) Okiayu Ryoutarou, Kondou Takeyuki, Hidehiro Kikuchi
History and Personality: Tristan is a close friend of Joey and through him meets Yugi and Tea. Tristan has a few Duel Monster cards (well, he has a single deck worth of cards) and very rarely plays, though he does have a favorite card. He follows Yugi and the others to Duelist Kingdom as moral support, but freaks out because they are breaking the rules. He is always reminding others of the rules (especially in the manga) and tends to panic if they are not being followed, amusing since his best friend is the delinquent Joey, and Tristan himself knows his way around a street fight. He may be the first to panic, but he's also the first to jump in and save the others, as he proves several times in Duelist Kingdom. As a friend Tristan is absolutely faithful, and absolutely reliable. In subsequent seasons Tristan continues to play a supporting role in the series. Eventually he develops a crush on Joey's younger sister, Serenity, and due to this a rivalry with Duke Devlin (who also takes an interest in Serenity). Actually, Tristan and Duke get along fairly well for the most part, and work well together. Their bickering takes the place of Joey and Tristan's early fights as the primary source of comic relief in the series as Joey becomes a more serious lead character. Tristan only duels once in the series 9during the Virtual World/Noa arc). Instead he is usually relegated to manual labor (such as carrying passed out persons, like Bakura for instance...)
Relationships: The Tristan is a loyal friend (and occasional cheerleader) to Yugi and Tea he is closest to Joey. In the beginning of the series Tristan and Joey are best friends and street brawl partners... Though they mostly argue the two are very close and always watch one another's back. It is because of his close friendship with Joey that Tristan meets Yugi. As the show continues and Joey and Yugi get closer, Tristan and Joey become more distant, though they are still good friends.
Tristan and Duke have a rocky friendship from the start. Tristan, like the others, at first dislikes Duke due to his picking on Joey and claiming the Yugi is a cheater. And just when everything is cleared up Joey's sister enters the scene and starts a whole new issue. Since Tristan and Duke both like Serenity (Joey's sister) they argue over her and whenever she is near in an immature attempt to impress her. However, when Serenity is not present the two "rivals in love" actually work fairly well together and most of their arguing is good natured.
Tristan is in love with Joey's younger sister, Serenity, and because of this he is very protective of her. When Serenity is present all his maturity (and good sense generally) go out the window as he argues with Duke and tries desperately to impress her. However, Tristan's feelings for her are true enough that he risks his life for her on more than one occasion. Serenity appreciates his help and seems to like him as well as anyone, but it is not clear if she even realizes he likes her, let alone if she returns his feelings.
Deck: Honda's deck is comprised mostly of militaristic cards. He only duels once during the course of the series.
Monster Cards -
Magic Cards -
Trap Cards -
Trivia: Tristan's favorite food is Okonomiyaki and his least favorite is Natto.
In the manga Tristan is in head of the Clean-Up Committee and often cites his duties during other events, annoying his friends.
In the manga Tristan is also a sharp-shooter. He states that when he was a kid, he could shoot a 100-yen piece with a BB gun from 50 feet.
In the first series in Japan Tristan had a crush on a fifth member of the group, Miho Nosaka, but she has a crush on Bakura.
Why we love him: Oh, why not? Actually a lot of people don't like Tristan, but I think he is a very reliable guy. So he worries about getting in trouble, but he's the first one in there to bail his friends out, even if he's shaking scared about it at first. Tristan needs more love!
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