Vincent Law
Alias(es): Ergo Proxy
Race: Proxy
Age: Does that even apply?
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Status: Immigrant, fugitive, Proxy
Quote: Uh...
Anime: Ergo Proxy
Voice: (English) Liam O'Brien (Japanese) Kouji Yusa
History and Personality: Vincent is an immigrant to Romdo from the Mosk dome and his dearest dream is to become a model citizen. At the beginning of the series he works for Romdo's AutoReiv Control Division within the Temporary Immigrant Sector FG, set up to hunt and dispose infected AutoReivs. He is quiet and hard working, but no matter how much effort he puts in he just doesn't fit in. In the first episode he sees Re-L and appears to become enamored of her, though he is not brave enough to do more than watch her when she happens to be nearby. For some reason Re-L seems drawn to him as well and when he begins to break down due to some sort of emotional trauma he suffered in Mosk she attempts to help him. She fails and he ends up outside the dome city.
Once free of Romdo Vincent seems to gain some measure of self-confidence, though he still cannot remember much of his past and knows nothing of his apparent connection to the "proxies". Soon Re-L comes looking for him, to take him back to Romdo, but instead the two end up traveling toward Mosk together. Along the way they discover that Vincent is actually the Ergo Proxy, a god-like being who is identifies himself as "the Emissary of Death". It appears the the Ergo Proxy's purpose is to bring judgment to the rest of the proxies who are going mad and destroying the humans they were supposed to protect. They discover also that Vincent was forced to flee Mosk when it was destroyed and that Vincent purposely erased his own memories. they then head back toward Romdo in the hopes of uncovering the secrets of Vincent's past and the answer to saving the future for humanity.
Vincent is a bit of a pushover, especially for Re-L. he is quiet, shy, and easily embarrassed, and only takes action in extreme circumstances. He does gain the courage to confess to Re-L, but then never mentions his feelings for her again. He is very patient with Re-L and her poor manners, even though she confuses him greatly. Mild-mannered as he is it is surprising that he has the strength to go against all of Romdo, and even Re-L when she is wrong. However, under the man "Vincent Law" is the Ergo Proxy - a ruthless and efficient assassin and fighter with great strength of will and purpose.
Relationships: Vincent is very nearly obsessed with Re-L Mayer. No matter what she says or does, no matter how poorly she treats him, he loves her and would do anything to protect her and keep her happy. Usually that means he does whatever she tells him to, but occasionally these feelings override his innate self-doubt and insecurities and force him to go against Re-L for her own safety. Even Vincent does not seem to understand the nature and basis of his love for Re-L, but regardless it is a primary motivating factor in his life. Re-L, for her part, is drawn to Vincent, but decides that she does not trust him. As the series progresses she grows closer to him rather against her will.
Vincent's only other relationship is with the infected AutoReiv, Pino. Pino is a child-like companion model who follows him when he escapes Romdo. For some reason he grows attached to her very quickly. The two enjoy one another's company and Vincent is always sure to make time to play with Pino, even when they are on the run.
Vincent doesn't' remember that he is a proxy, so he certainly doesn't' remember anything about the other proxies, but Ergo Proxy and Monad Proxy appear to have had some sort of bond.
Techniques: Well, Vincent isn't good for much, though the first episode proves he's fairly acrobatic and a decent shot. Ergo Proxy is another matter entirely, though I don't think he uses "techniques" so muc has just rips things apart. And he's very, very, fast.
Why we love him: That outfit needs to go, and for the first few episodes it's almost painful to look at him, but when he opens his eyes and stops slicking back his hair he's pretty cute. And the way he is devoted to Re-L is adorable, even if she doesn't deserve him... he's got a quiet kind of strength he doesn't even know is there, and he's patient, and he's mysterious - which is always hot...
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