Endings and New Beginnings

Chapter 5: Final Preparations

             Richie shifted from one foot to the other uncertainly. “We’re going to be late.” He said in a hushed tone.

            “He’ll be here, just a few more minutes.” Gary told him.

            “How do you know he’s coming?”

            Gary looked at him seriously, “He hates Ash too much not to.”

            Richie knew Gary was right, but why did they have to do this tonight?  He looked down at his watch, the rehearsal dinner started in less than half an hour. They’d be lucky to get to the lab in time as it was.  If Seth gave them any trouble…

            “Here he is.” Gary spoke low in Richie’s ear so Seth wouldn’t hear him.  Richie looked over to where he could hear bushes rustling.

            In a moment Seth emerged, his face shadowed in the dim light.  Now it looked as Richie thought it should, evil, mad.

            “What do you want?” Seth spat.

            Gary held his gaze until Seth shifted in discomfort, then he smiled, “Glad you could join us.”

           “Cut the games kid.” Seth ground out, an odd statement considering Gary was probably older than the other man.  “What do you want?” Gary stepped back, motioning to Richie.

“Look,” Richie held Seth’s gaze seriously, “I don’t know what your problem with Ash is, but you need to back off.”  They hadn’t seen Seth since the day he’d threatened Misty and Ash hadn’t told them anything, but they were pretty sure Seth had been in contact with him.  Ash grew more and more agitated as the wedding approached, he was jumpy, nervous.

Seth laughed, “I must finally be getting to him if he sent you two losers to bargain with me.”  Richie hid a grimace, Ash didn’t know they were here, if he had known…

 “I’m serious,” he continued, “if you keep at him like this, I’m not sure we’ll be able to hold him back.”

             “And I don’t even want to try,” Gary smiled maliciously.

            Richie threw him a squelching look then returned his attention to Seth, “Back off man.  Let this die while you still can.”


            Ash glanced at his watch.  Gary and Richie were now five minutes late.  His stomach writhed.  What if Seth had…?  He closed his eyes, blocking out the thought.  Five more minutes, if they weren’t here in five minutes he’d go find them.

            “Ash?” Misty came up beside him, resting a hand lightly on his arm, “Are you okay.”

            “Hmm? Oh yeah,” he forced a smile, “I’m fine.”  Misty didn’t look convinced, he rubbed her back lightly, “Really.” 

            “Are you gonna come sit?”

            “Sure.” Reluctantly he allowed her to lead him to his seat near the head table, he kept his eyes trained on the door.

            Misty leaned her head to touch his once they were seated, holding his hand beneath the table.  “I’m sure they’re fine.” She reassured him, “ Gary probably realized he doesn’t own a nice shirt.  The two of them probably had to go back to your house so Richie could grab one for him.”

            Ash almost smiled.  Richie did own a lot of expensive shirts.  Ash had asked him about it once, but Richie wouldn’t tell him anything.  Ash thought it must have something to do with his parents.

            Ash looked up as Gary and Richie entered the room.  He looked at them in question, but they both looked away.  Definitely not borrowing shirts.  Something was going on here, but he’d get it out of them later.

“Gentlemen, nice of you to join us.” Professor Oak speared his grandson with a disapproving glance. 

             Gary looked down at his feet.  “Sorry gramps, something came up.”

 “I’ll say.” Richie muttered.  He couldn’t help but think that this was all Gary ’s fault; why had he chosen tonight? And how had he contacted Seth anyway?

Delia approached with a smile, “It’s fine dear.” She laid a hand on Professor Oak’s shoulder, diffusing the tension.  

He smiled. “Shall we get started then?”

As Richie slid into his seat next to Ash he smiled nervously.

“Hey buddy,” Ash said casually, “where’ve you been?”

“Um, you know, eh heh, just lost track of time I guess.”  Richie rubbed the back of his head nervously.  Ash raised a brow to give him a knowing look. Richie blushed, this was so stupid!  He threw Gary a glare, but Gary wasn’t paying any attention to him, he was talking to Tracey and Jenny.  Rolling his eyes he turned away to find May staring at him.

Why did she do that?

She smiled when she saw him, not even bothering to pretend she wasn’t staring.  That girl made him downright uncomfortable.  Who had decided to seat her across from him? 

“Hey Richie,”

He suppressed a sigh, at least if he was talking to May, Ash would leave him alone.  “Hey May.”

Her smile widened, “you were a little late tonight, you and Gary.”  Great, not her too.

“Yep.” He didn’t quite meet her eyes.

“You don’t have to tell me why, I don’t care.” She shrugged.

Richie grinned sardonically, if she didn’t care she wouldn’t have asked.  He started to tell her as much, but he suddenly felt eyes on him.  He turned to see Gary watching him intently.  Gary's eyes shifted from May to Richie and back.  Then, when he noticed Richie watching, he quickly turned away, like he was embarrassed or something.  Richie thought that was odd.

“Hey Richie,” Ash again.

Richie turned to Ash, boy was his neck gonna be sore in the morning, “Yes Ash?” 

“Just don’t be late for the wedding.” 

Richie smiled and gave a low chuckle, “I won’t if you won’t.”  Ash grinned, but his retort was stopped by Jenny’s entrance.

“Sorry I’m late.” She smiled, “had some business down at the precinct.”  Everyone shifted uncomfortably at the reminder of the danger they were still in.  Richie caught Gary’s gaze.

“That’s fine dear.” Mrs. Ketchum came up to take her light sweater (there was quite a breeze tonight) and show her to her seat.

“I could’ve done that Mrs. Ketchum.” Tracey told her.

Jenny gave him a sideways smile as she sat beside him, “I could’ve done it myself.” 

Delia shook her head and smiled sweetly, “No, you couldn’t have.”  No one was going to argue with that logic.

            “Delia darling,” May Oak smiled her saccharine smile, “everything is lovely.” Her eyes swept the room critically, clearly she thought improvements could be made.  “May I ask, are these the flowers that will be used in the wedding?”

            Professor Oak forced a smile, “Well, certainly not these particular flowers, after all the wedding is still four days away.”

            “But they will be similar dear.” Mrs. Ketchum smiled as she took her seat.

            “Oh, lovely.” She didn’t sound very enthusiastic.

            The Professor decided that this would be the ideal time to start the meal.  He motioned the caterer forward.  Brock had offered to cook, but Delia said she wanted him to be part of the group, not serving them, so he had conceded.  They had hired a caterer from Viridian for both the rehearsal dinner and the reception.

            The caterer was declared a success.  The food had been wonderful, the service exemplary.  Brock had groused a little, saying that his food was just as good – and far cheaper.  But in the end even he had to admit it had been nice to let someone else cook. Joy jokingly asked if that meant he would give her a night in the kitchen occasionally.  In response he merely shuddered.  Joy was a wonderful nurse, but her cooking skills were sadly lacking.  At every Pokemon Center they had ever been to Chansey had been the cook.  There was always a trade off.

            Tracey gave a clever little toast that Ash couldn’t quite remember afterwards.  He was too busy thanking his stars he wasn’t the one doing it.  Then he remembered that he hadn’t gotten very far on his speech for the reception and his face blanched.

            “What is it Ash?” Misty asked in concern.

            “It’s nothing,” he said quietly, “it’s just that I haven’t quite finished my, erm, speech yet.”

            Misty gacked, “Ash!” her high squeal drew startled gazes, quickly she lowered her voice, turning her face more toward Ash, “Ash,” she whispered, “the wedding is only four days away.”

            “I know.” He groaned, “I just can’t put my thoughts into words.”

            “Hey, quiet down.” Richie elbowed Ash.  “You’re missing it.”

            Ash and Misty turned to look in the direction Richie indicated.  Jesse and James were standing before Delia and Professor Oak, goofy smiles on their faces.

            “Prepare for trouble.” Jesse said.

            “And make it double.” James looked decidedly uncomfortable.  He was clearly humoring his wife.

            “Good grief.” Muttered Gary , earning a piercing glare from Jesse.

            “To protect our hearts from devastation.”

            “To unite two people into one station.”

            “To celebrate the glories of love,” Jesse’s eyes were sparkling.

            “To recognize it as a gift from above.”



            “This happy couple blasts off at the speed of light…”

            “…knowing that marital bliss is now in sight.”  The two ended with a truly ridiculous pose.

            “Meowth, that was sickening!”  Everyone was startled by this new presence, but no one disagreed.

Well, almost no one.

“Oh thank you,” Delia gushed, “that was so thoughtful.”

“Tautful?  Tautful woulda been skippin’ dat terrible motto.” Meowth shook his head.


Jesse hit Meowth squarely on his precious charm.

Meowth flailed his arm angrily, his face red, feet moving furiously, “I come here ta help ya and dis is da tanks I get!  I outta-” James grabbed him, covering his mouth. 

“Quiet Meowth,” he hissed, “you’ll blow everything.”

Meowth glared up in James’ general direction before looking forward resolutely.  With one swipe of his claws James released him with a yelp.  James stood cradling his bleeding arm.

“Dat’s all I have ta say about dis.” Meowth nodded his head firmly.

“Meowth!  Don’t you hurt James.” Jesse said threateningly.

“I can see why they split up.” Ash whispered to Misty.

“Mm, hmm.” She nodded.

Meowth raised his voice again, “Well he shouldn’t a grabbed me.”

“You shouldn’t have been yelling!” Jesse and Meowth took up fighting poses, clearly ready to have it out.  Ash wondered which one would have won.

“You shouldn’ta hit me!”

“You were making fun of our poem.”

“Ha!  You call dat a POEM!?”

“Why you!”  Now James grabbed his wife.

“No, Jesse.  It’s fine, everything is fine.”  He gave her a meaningful look and she suddenly became calm.

“Um, yes, so sorry.”  She looked around the room, “Everyone, I am sorry.”  Then she looked at her husband, “We, um, gotta run now.”  Grabbing James with one hand and Meowth with the other she pulled them unceremoniously out of the large room.

For a moment everyone sat in shocked silence.

“Well that was… interesting.” Joy said.

“That’s one word for it.” Gary muttered just loud enough that everyone could hear him. 

“Well, uh, guess I’ll call it a night too.” Jenny said, standing abruptly.  “I had a lovely time Delia, Professor.”  Giving Tracey a quick kiss, and hugging Delia lightly, Jenny made her exit.

“Goodnight,” Joy stood and rushed after Jenny.

“Well,” the Professor looked around the room with wry amusement, “I guess this party’s over.  Good night everyone.”

A chorus of goodnights followed him as he left the room.  Delia went with him, but soon returned.  Quickly the others collected their belongings.  Those staying at the lab wandered to their rooms, while those staying at the Ketchum house walked outside. 

The last thing Ash heard before he left the room was May Oak’s stunned voice saying to the empty room, “that was… um, yeah.”



            “A DRESS REHEARSAL!!!  We already had a rehearsal dinner!” Gary ’s indignant shout could be heard throughout the spacious Oak mansion.

            “Well, she wants a dress rehearsal too.” His grandfather told him.

            Richie entered the room yawning and rubbing his eyes.  He had been up early helping Ash finish setting up chairs, and had just taken a nap.  “What’s all that racket about?”

            “Mrs. Ketchum thinks we need to have a dress rehearsal.” Gary said bitterly.

            “So?” asked Richie blankly.  For this they had woken him up?

            Professor Oak sighed, “Gary, it’s such a small thing, and it will make her happy.”

            “Hey, that’s you’re department not mine.” Gary pointed at him accusingly.

            Professor Oak’s face took on a stern expression he rarely utilized, “That’s enough young man.  I’m not thrilled either, but you will respect your elders.”

            Gary grimaced but held his tongue.

            “I don’t see what the big deal is.  We all put on our tuxes and stand there for a few minutes.” Gary looked at Richie as though he had suddenly grown another head.

            “Are you serious?”

            Richie shrugged, “Sure.  It’s no big deal.”

            “I hate tuxedos!  And it won’t be a few minutes!”

            “Who hates tuxedos?” James asked as he, Ash, and Tracey entered the room.

            Richie pointed at Gary , “he does, evidently.”

            Ash chuckled, “Well, you can’t possibly expect not to wear one when you’re in a wedding dufus.”

            Gary glared at him, “It’s not the wedding part that bothers me, it’s this dress rehearsal your mom wants to have tomorrow morning.”

             “So,” Ash shrugged.

            Gary rolled his eyes, “SO, that means I have to wear that stuffy thing twice in as many days.”

            “Aw, poor Gary .” Tracey crooned mockingly. Gary made a threatening move and Tracey ducked behind Ash.

            “Really Gary , I don’t see what the problem is it’s not as though you don’t already have a,” Ash paused suddenly, he gulped, “tux.” He rasped.  The others eyed him uncertainly, he was really pale.

            “Hey, you alright Ash?” Richie walked over to look at him more closely, suddenly fully awake.  What if Seth had…

            Ash nodded, his eyes wide.  “It’s just, I,” he couldn’t seem to get the words out.

            “Just what!?” asked Gary in exasperation.

            “I just realized that I don’t have a tux yet.” Ash said in a very small voice.

            “Ash!  The wedding’s in two days and you don’t have a tux!”  Richie was incredulous.  Clothes had always been important to him; he couldn’t imagine forgetting something like a tux for a wedding. You’d have to be an idiot to forget a tux for a wedding. He looked at Ash critically – then again…

            “Oh relax,” James waved a hand carelessly, “I have half a dozen.  With a little alteration-” he left it open with an expansive gesture.

            Gary looked skeptically from Ash to James then back again.  He raised a brow, “With a little alteration what?” he asked.

            “Well, obviously, he can,” James stopped, really looking at Ash, the man was easily half a foot taller than he was, and much more built, “not – wear - one of mine, now can he?”

            “Yeah.” Gary shook his head.

            Ash now had the look of a trapped animal, “What am I gonna do? Mom’s gonna kill me!” He looked at the other men, “everyone’s so much shorter than I am!”

            “Now relax Ash,” Professor Oak came up behind him, patting him on the shoulder reassuringly, “We’ll think of something.”

            Tracey had been lost in thought, now his eyes brightened.  “Be right back!” He disappeared and was back in moments with Brock in tow. He whispered something in Brock’s ear.

            “I see what you mean,” Brock nodded, running his gaze over Ash a few times.  “I’ll see what I can do.”

            Two hours later Brock returned with Joy, and a tux, in tow.

            “You got a tux!” Ash exclaimed, “Where?”

            Joy’s face was flushed, it was obvious Brock had rushed her, “It was Doctor Proctor’s. I got it from my second cousin’s niece, they’ve been dating since that incident you kids were involved in a few years ago.”

            Ash looked at her blankly.

            “You know,” Brock told him, “that guy we helped when the Pokemon center was full, and he accidentally sedated himself,” Ash still looked puzzled, “he asked Jesse to go for pizza… Oh, never mind!”  Brock shook his head, “the point is, he’s tall, he had a tux, and it’s yours for the wedding - if we can make it fit.”

             Ash’s face lit up, “Oh.  That’s great!”

            “Yeah, if we can make it fit.” Brock said again, he didn’t look at all certain it would.  Fortunately, Brock wasn’t always right.  The tux fit, with only a few alterations.

            “Great!” Brock exclaimed, “now your mom won’t know you ditched your tux fitting until she gets the bill.”

            “Gee, thanks Brock.” Ash sounded less than enthusiastic, “But really, thanks for helping me.” He looked over at Joy, “Both of you.”

            Joy smiled brightly, “Not a problem, I was happy to help.”


            “I still don’t understand how you could forget about your tux Ash.” Richie shook his head ruefully, “it’s not as though you didn’t know you would need one.”

            “Hey,” Ash defended, “I’ve got a lot on my mind. Anyway, the day of the fitting I took Misty to see Bruno – it was the only day he had available, and I figured I had plenty of time before the wedding to get a tux.  Then it just sort of slipped my mind.”  Richie nodded, completely understandable considering all that had happened.

            Ash and Richie were taking a walk through the woods.  They had finished setting up tables and chairs single handedly! Not that the others hadn’t been working too.  Actually, they had volunteered because the alternative was floral arrangements and favors.  Tracey had been hooked into creating thank you cards, while Brock discussed final menu options with the caterer and oversaw the decoration of the reception area.  The girls were helping Gary and James finish in the large room where the actual wedding would take place – which of course, included floral arrangements.

            Richie stretched and threw Ash a lopsided smile. “Guess you’re right.  What with plans, and tables, and canopies,” both men shuddered, “a new girlfriend.”

             “She’s not so bad.” Ash rolled his head a bit, stretching his neck, “it was dealing with her before she was my girlfriend that was killer.”


            Ash threw Richie a mock glare, “Well, you don’t have to agree so heartily.”

            Richie laughed lightly, “Ash, you nearly drove us all crazy.  Everyone knew the two of you were meant for each other, but you two refused to see it.”

            “Yeah well,” Ash rubbed the back of his neck, “I never did understand people too well, don’t know how I ended up with so many friends.”

            Richie looked at him slyly, “You have friends?”

            “Gack – of course I have friends!” Ash sputtered, jerking to a stop.  Then his face turned red as Richie laughed at him.  “Stop that!” he took a playful swing at his friend.

            “Hey!  Watch it,” Richie jumped back, “you could kill somebody with those.” He indicated Ash’s fists.

            Ash rolled his eyes, “Sure Rich,” then a wicked gleam filled his eyes, “And I think I’ll start with – you!” he lunged for Richie, tackling him to the ground.  For a moment they struggled with each other, then Richie let out a startled yelp.

            “What, what?!” Ash jumped to his feet and offered Richie his hand, concerned for his friend.  He really should have been more careful, he was much bigger than Richie.

            “This is a silk shirt!” Richie exclaimed.

            Ash face faulted. 

            “Is that all!?” he yelled, “I thought you were hurt!  But you’re just worried about your stupid SHIRT!  I outta pummel you just for that.”

            “Just you try it!” Richie jumped to his feet.

            “Pikpikapi!”  Two yellow rodents ran up to the men.  Pikachu and Sparky looked from one man to the other, worried.  They had been playing a short distance away when the shouting had brought them back.  Now their ears twitched in confusion.  They had thought their trainers were in danger, but all they saw now were Ash and Richie.

            “Pika!  Pikachu!” Pikachu let a few sparks fly from its cheeks.  Both men looked at the small creature and collapsed into fits of laughter, rolling on the ground.

            The two pokemon looked at each other in bewilderment.

            Chu, pikachu pi.” Pikachu said sagely.

            “Pi!” Sparky agreed with a firm nod.  Yes, the humans were strange creatures sometimes.

            “Oh, oh!” Ash gasped for air, “I’m sorry Pikachu,” he turned to scratch his best friend’s ears, “we were just messing around.  It’s okay.”

            Pikachu tilted its head.

            “Really, Pikachu.” Richie assured it.

            The two pikachu shook their heads and ran off again to play.  Ash and Richie just lay on the ground for a few moments, breathing.

            “Hey Richie.”

            “Yes Ash?” Richie was staring at the sky.

            There was a snicker in Ash’s voice, “You’re getting grass stains on your silk shirt.”

            “Arrgh!!!” Richie shot to his feet and took off.

            “Hey,” Ash sat up, “where are you going?” he called after his friend.

            Richie didn’t stop, he didn’t even bother to turn his head, he just shouted, “I have to get my shirt to the cleaners!”

             Ash collapsed again, laughing until there were tears in his eyes.



            “To the left.” Gary moved over a half step.

            “No! Now you’re too far right!”  May told him.  “Can’t you see that it isn’t centered?"

            Gary blew out a breath, to move the flowers away from his face, “Honey, I can’t see anything through this forest.”

            May giggled, “It’s hardly a forest Gary.”

            “Yeah, well it sure looks that way from here.”  He set the large floral arrangement down then backed away from it.  “It looks great.” He told her.  She twisted her mouth in distaste.

            “It still isn’t centered.”  She pouted.

            “Then go center it.” Gary hid a smile.  May had been at him all morning, but she hadn’t once touched a vase herself.

            “I can’t,” she said firmly, “I’m supervising.”

            Gary laughed, “Well, now I am too.”

            “I see, and who, exactly are you supervising?” She quirked a brow.

            Gary kept a straight face and said completely serious, “the floral arrangement.”

            Misty smiled, watching May’s face.  The poor girl’s jaw was practically unhinged.

            “Th-the vase,” she sputtered, “you’ve got to be kidding me.”

            Gary shook his head, “nope.”

            James set down a vase, under the careful supervision of his wife and Meowth.  Dusting his hands together as he stood (no sense dirtying perfectly good work clothes) he turned and saw Gary.

            “Hey, what’s wrong?” he called. 

            Gary smiled tauntingly at May, “Nothing.”

            James wiped his sweaty forehead.  Goodness it was hot.  “Why aren’t you working?”

            “I am.” Gary stated simply.

            James looked in question from Gary to the vases waiting to be carried in.  “Are you?”

            Gary nodded solemnly, “Oh yes, I’m supervising.”  May was beginning to twitch now, but Gary didn’t take his eyes off her the whole time he spoke to James.

            “Oh!” James’ eyes brightened, “I’m going to supervise too!”

            “Oh, no, you most certainly are not!” Jesse exclaimed, grabbing him by the ear and pulling him toward the vases, “there is work to be done.”

            “Ow, Jesse, stop, that hurts!” James howled as he stumbled along after her, “I was only kidding!”   Jesse released him so abruptly that he tumbled forward.

            “Good, now get to work.” She pointed at the vases, and James grabbed one.  With a piercing glare she turned to look at Gary, “That goes for you too!”   Gary smiled and returned wordlessly to his work, leaning dangerously close to May as he reached for another arrangement.  She refused to give him the satisfaction of backing away and his arm brushed against her.  With a self satisfied smirk he carried the arrangement toward the front.

            Misty chuckled and headed back out to help Brock.

            As she walked, lost in thought, she was startled to see Richie run by, “hi Misty, bye Misty.” He gave her a quick wave.  She waved back uncertainly.  Hadn’t Richie been with Ash?  Where was Ash anyway?  She wanted to know how his speech was coming along.  She shook her head and resumed her steps.

            “Hey Brock,” Brock looked up from his clipboard absently, "what do you want me to do now?”  She asked him. Brock shook his head, his bandana fluttering behind him.  After all these years the sight of Brock in a frilly apron and a kerchief over his spiky hair no longer seemed odd to her.  What was odd was that he didn’t seem to know what to do next.  After practically raising his nine younger brothers and sisters he always seemed to know what to do.

            “Brock!” Richie ran up panting, “What do I do about grass stains on a silk shirt?”

             Brock’s head jerked in his direction, startled, “Grass stains on a silk shirt?  What were you doing?”

             Richie flushed, “Ash and I had a, uh, little tousle.  We were just messing around, but I kinda forgot I was wearing a silk shirt.”

             Brock sighed, “try some of that dry stain remover, then take it to the cleaners.”  Richie nodded and took off without even a 'thank you'.  Brock shook his head, then smiled at Misty, “like I know what to do with a silk shirt.  I’ve never owned one.”

            Misty laughed, “Why that boy wears silk shirts all the time is beyond me.”

            “Seriously,” Brock agreed.  He scratched the base of his hair with his pencil, returning to his clipboard, “I guess you could iron the tablecloths and hang them up in that big spare room on the second floor.  The caterers will put them out tomorrow while the wedding is taking place."  Misty nodded and grabbed the box of linens, walking toward the house.

            “Here, let me help you with that.” A familiar, low, voice sounded behind her.  Her stomach tightened in a pleasant way and a chill ran through her.

            “Hey, Ash.”  She didn’t turn around.  Coming to stand in front of her Ash grabbed the box and turned back toward the house.

            “Where are you headed?”

            “Second floor, large guest room.”  Ash nodded and heaved the box up, getting a firmer grip on it.

            Misty watched him as they walked, enjoying the movement of his muscles under his damp t-shirt.  “Hey Ash, where’ve you been?”

            Ash grinned, “Avoiding floral arrangements and tablecloths.” He looked down at the box he now carried and smile wryly, “guess I shoulda stayed away longer huh.”

            Misty elbowed him lightly, “Guess so.”

            Ash nudged open the door to the guest room with one foot.  Stepping inside he placed the box on the bed then returned to the door pushing it lightly so that it closed but didn’t latch. 

            “Now,” he turned, reaching for Misty and pulling her into his arms, “I haven’t seen you nearly enough these last few days.  I thought weddings were supposed to be romantic.”  He nuzzled her neck.

            Misty laughed, pulling back, “They are, for the bride and groom.”

            Ash smiled, “Why should they get all the fun?”  He brought his head down toward her raised lips.

            “Hey Ash!”

            Ash sighed, lifting his head, but still holding Misty.  “What Richie?” he growled. Hadn’t Richie gone to change his shirt?

            “Have you seen Jesse, James, or Meowth? Oh!” Richie stopped as he stuck his head into the room.  He blushed, “Sorry, I didn’t realize…”

            “It’s fine Richie.” Ash tried to mean the words, but he knew he sounded more than a little put out.

            “If you want I can, you know,” Richie jerked a thumb back over his shoulder.

            Ash rolled his eyes, releasing Misty, “Like there’s a point now.” He muttered.  Misty smiled, rubbing a hand soothingly over his arm.  He reached for her hand twining her fingers with his own.  He turned to fully face Richie, forcing a casual smile, “Now what was it you wanted?”  Richie had changed his shirt, how long had it taken him and Misty to get up here?

            Richie still looked uncertain, but he was clearly concerned over something.  “I haven’t seen any of the rockets since breakfast, and they’ve been acting really strange this past week.”

            Ash squinted, trying to remember the last time he had seen any of his three former enemies. 

            “They were in the gallery with Gary and May, setting up floral arrangements, aren’t they still there?”  Misty said, her brow furrowing.

            “Come to think of it, I didn’t see them when I walked by.” Ash’s hand tightened slightly on Misty’s.  Now was not a good time for his friends to be disappearing. 

            Now Richie looked truly worried, “ Gary and May don’t know where they went or even when they left.  They didn’t say they were going anywhere.  I’m not sure whether we should be worried that something happened to them, or that they’re up to something.”

            “Probably both.” Ash growled.  He let go of Misty’s hand, “Stay here and do whatever,” he waved his hand toward the box of linens.  “Richie and I will go find them.”

            “Okay, careful Ash.”

            Ash gave her a reckless, lopsided grin, “Aren’t I always?”

             “Yeah right.” Misty muttered, “climbing cliffs, jumping off cliffs, jumping out of moving vehicles…”  The men could hear her continuing her list as they left.


            “James, hurry!”  Jesse was moving at break neck speed.

            “What’s – the – rush.” Her husband panted as he followed, brushing his blue hair out of his eyes.

            Jesse whirled on him, eyes flashing, “We can’t let any of those goody two shoes twerps see us leaving!  They’ll want to know what we’re up to.”

            “Oh, right.”  James was breathing even harder now, but he picked up the pace.

            Meowth took long four legged leaps beside them.  Had James had time he would have commented on the strangeness of this action.  Meowth had always preferred to walk on two legs, when had he started acting – well, more like a normal pokemon.

            “Meeowth.” Meowth stopped a good distance ahead of them, “Come on yous guys, we got work ta do.”

            “We’re coming.” Jesse snapped. She could nag her husband, but that annoying cat type had better not!  After all, he had abandoned them all those years ago.  Well, maybe not abandoned exactly, but still!

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