Endings and New Beginnings


Ring, Ring, Ring – Ring, Ring, Ring- Phone Call, Phone Call

Ring, Ring, Ring – Ring, Ring, Ring- Phone Call, Phone Call

Delia Ketchum wiped her forehead with the backside of her wrist and then stood, removing her gardening gloves.  The vidphone continued its call.

“Coming, I’m coming” she spoke aloud as she reached the phone.  She picked up the phone and activated the screen. “Ash!!!” she exclaimed happily, “it’s so good to see you again.  How have you been?”

“Hi mom, I’m good.”

“And Pikachu?”

“Pika Pi!” Pikachu exclaimed happily

“Have you been taking care of Ash?”

“Pi Pikachu!”

“Thank you Pikachu. I knew I could count on you.”

“Uh, Mom.” Ash interrupted, “I called you, remember?  Me – not Pikachu”

Mrs. Ketchum returned her focus to Ash, “Oh, yes dear, what is it?”

“I just wanted to call and let you know that I beat the Hoenn league.”

Mrs. Ketchum squealed in delight, “Oh honey that’s wonderful! What about your friend, May was it?”

“She’s fine mom.”

Mrs. Ketchum saw May’s face pop up behind Ash on the screen. “Hey Mrs. Ketchum!  I’m great, and I’m taking very good care of Ash!”

Ash looked annoyed and pushed May away a little, “She means, how did you do in the league.” There was an exasperated almost growl in his voice.  Delia wondered what was going on; Ash was usually so good natured.  Her thoughts were interrupted by May’s less than enthusiastic reply.

“Oh that. Didn't Ash tell you? I didn't even collect any badges.” Although Mrs. Ketchum could no longer see May she heard a shrug in her voice, it was such a careless tone.  May really didn’t seem to care much about being a trainer, though she loved to catch Pokemon – the cute ones anyway.

“Anyway mom, I thought now that I’d been in three leagues I’d come home and tackle the Indigo league again.”

“That’s wonderful honey, we’d love to see you again, but…” Mrs. Ketchum seemed to realize something, “didn’t Brock or Misty tell you?”

“Tell me what mom?”

“Well dear, the Indigo league is, um” she seemed to be searching, “closed, I guess is the best word.”

“WHAT?!” Ash asked incredulously.

"That’s right dear.  There was some trouble with Team Rocket and, well, repairs will take some time.”

“What am I going to do now?” he wondered aloud. Delia felt bad, her Ash looked so crestfallen.

“You could try going east to the Behrin league, and I heard there’s a new league in Shanti.  It’s east as well.”

Ash brightened, “two more leagues!  Wait, that means there are six now.  One on each major continent and the one in the Orange Islands .”  He paused a thoughtful look on his face, “Does that mean the Elite 4 has become the Elite 5?  One for everyone of the mainland leagues right?”

“Well I hadn’t thought of it dear, but yes, I suppose so.”

“Well, thanks mom, I’d better go.”

“Ash, you be careful, Shanti is across the ocean, it could be dangerous!”

“Yes mom.”

“And Ash don’t forget to change your you know what.”

“MOM!” Ash blushed, “I’m not a kid anymore!”

“I know, but you’ll always be my baby,” she said quietly, then she said cheerfully, “Goodbye honey! See you when the league is back up in three years!”

“Hey mom, I’ll stop by home for a while before I go okay.”

“Okay honey, bye.”

Just before Delia hung up she could hear Ash and May in the background.

“Well, off to Behrin I guess.” Ash said excitedly.

“Oh Aassshh!” May whined slightly, “Another league! Do I have-” Then Ash must have hung up because Delia heard no more. 

She hung up too.  Her Ash.  How she missed her little boy.  She smiled thinking about what he had said.  He would come see her, but somehow she doubted May would be along. She wondered briefly where Max was.  She hadn't heard him during the call. She looked at her International league guide, the one she had bought for Ash- she would give it to him when he visited- the Behrin league didn’t start again for almost a year.  Maybe Ash could spend a few months at home before he spent months traveling across the ocean and through Behrin.  She wouldn’t see him for a long time. 

She thought about Misty and Tracey, they hadn’t seen Ash in almost a year, and Brock had left Ash a month ago.  It was too bad they were so busy.  With all their league business they probably wouldn’t be able to see him much at all.


As it turned out Ash stayed in Pallet for about four months, May did not come with him – she had decided to check out Johto when they passed through, Max had decided to spend some time at home before beginning his own journey. Ash wondered if May would check out the league or just the sights - after all, there were no coordinator contests in Johto - and he worried about leaving her alone, but in the end he had. 

On another note, Ash had competed in the Johto Championships again and had become the champion!  Johto had this interesting rule that if you had beaten one of the other mainland leagues you could compete without earning badges.  Since the finals were just about to start when he arrived anyway, he had thought he would give it a shot.  And it had paid off. 

When he arrived in Pallet (with two more trophies for his mother) Misty and Brock stayed over for about a week, but then league business called them away again.  Ash was happy for the time they had.  He had missed them both.

            His first meeting with Misty had been a little awkward.  He had missed her, missed her a lot actually, definitely more than he had missed Brock – or maybe, maybe just different.  He didn’t stop to analyze that, he was just happy to see her again.  But all too soon it was over and he was off on the long journey to Behrin.
