
Chapter 1

        Yugi had dropped Tea off at her new apartment with the promise of seeing her tomorrow.  He had already checked earlier that day to make certain the apartment would have everything she needed.   He entered his own home and dropped his coat on the coach with a sigh.

       “Yugi?”  The voice was deep and resonating.

       “Hey Yami.” He greeted stepping into the living room to see his yami waiting expectantly.

       “How was she?” he asked softly, he had come to care deeply for Yugi’s friends over the years.  He liked to think that they were his friends as well.

       “She’s fine, a little overwhelmed, but fine.”

       Yami relaxed, giving a small smile, “Then it is good that you convinced them to wait until tomorrow for the gathering.”

       “If you mean the welcome home party, then yeah, it is.”

       They wanted to throw her a party, to welcome her home, to show that they still loved her.  She had seemed so melancholy in her last few letters, so lonely.  But Yugi had thought that, what with jet lag, and the strain of travel, they should give her a night of rest first.  That was also why he had been the only one at the airport to greet her.  They just didn’t want to overwhelm her. 

       “We will see her tomorrow won’t we?” Yami eyed his hikari suspiciously.

       “Of course, I’ve already asked her to spend the evening with us.  She said she’d love to.”

       Yami gave a firm nod, “Good.”

       Yugi smiled, he never had lost that air of command.  It was amazing.

       “Well, then, good night aibou.” Yami said turning back toward the stairs, and his room. 

       “Good night.” Yugi replied.

       Yami stopped at the edge of the stair, “Oh, and Yugi?”


       “You are going to pick up that coat, aren’t you?”

       Yugi chuckled, “Yes Yami, I promise.”


       Yugi parked the car and studied Tea, “You sure you’re ready for this?  I mean, we could do this another day if you want.  You look tired.” He said kindly,

       “I’m fine, besides, everyone is waiting.”

       Yugi shook his head gently, “They’d understand.  It’s a long flight from New York City.”

       “No, I want to see them.  I miss them.”

       Yugi looked at her doubtfully.  She smiled and rested a hand on his arm.  

       “Really Yugi, I want to go in.”

       “Alright. Hold on.”

       He unlocked the door and hurried around to open her door.  She stepped out, smoothing her pink dress and running a nervous hand over her hair.

       His hand on her elbow stopped her.

       “You look fine.” He smiled warmly and she could see the sincerity in his eyes.  “Come on.” He led her up the walk.

       She looked around, “This is Joey and Mai’s house right?”

       He nodded, “Yeah, they bought it a little over a year ago. It’s great for parties – lots of room.”

       Tea laughed lightly, “We probably have Mai to thank for that.”

       “You bet!” Yugi laughed as well.  They had reached the door and he knocked firmly.  In a moment it was opened by a familiar face.

       “Tea!” Tristan grabbed her in a hug, “It’s great to see you.”

       “You too!” she smiled.

       Tristan had already turned away, “Hey guys! Guess who’s here?”

       There was a general commotion as everyone tried to be the first to see Tea again.

       “Why don’t we all step back so that she can come in?” a deep and familiar voice suggested over the noise.  His voice was calm, but rose above the clamor with an air of command.

       Everyone stepped back and Yugi guided Tea inside.  She immediately looked for the speaker who had saved her.  She found him standing back some.  Yami.  Tea had seen him in his own body before; all the yamis had gotten their own bodies about a year before she left.  Yami Marik was gone, which suited her just fine, he had been truly evil, but Yami Bakura had turned out quite differently than they had expected.  He had even risked his life for them and he had softened over the years. But as she looked at Yami now she found her heart still fluttered at the sight of her first real crush.  He was certainly a handsome and commanding presence.  So confident, so regal, and yet so kind.

       “Hello Tea.” His eyes held a warmth that told her his reasons for standing back had nothing to do with his level of joy at seeing her – he was excited like the others- but rather with his desire not to overwhelm her.

       She smiled, feeling her eyes get wet once more. 

       “Hello.” She whispered.

       He opened his arms and she went to him, hugging him tightly.

       He rested his cheek on her hair and closed his eyes, “It is good to have you back.” He whispered.

       Tea sniffed and pulled back with a watery smile.  “Yeah.”

       “Hey Tea, not for nothing, but, what about the rest of us?”

       Tea laughed, turning to throw herself into another hug. “Hey, Joey!”

       “Tea.” He gave her a squeeze before stepping back so that his wife could have a turn.

       “Hey Hun.” Mai gave her a light hug.

       Tea smiled as she greeted each of her friends.  Her heart was full to overflowing.  They were all here – every one of them.  Yugi, Yami, Joey, Tristan, Mai, Serenity, Duke, Bakura, Yami Bakura, even Marik and Ishizu.  How had she ever thought she could live without them? Friendship had always been the center of her life.  She chuckled as she recalled the pep speeches she had given to her friends, the scolding to her not-so-friendly-but-not-quite-enemies like that Johnny guy from the arcade or Seto Kaiba!  It had hurt her so much to be away from them, she needed them.

       “Hey,” Joey finally interrupted the greetings, which seemed like they would never end – everyone wanted a second hug or handshake.  “I didn’t mortgage the house for nothing so yous had better eat all a dis food!”

       Mai rolled her eyes, “Twit.” She accused and he grinned.

       “And you love me for it.” He turned his attention back to the others, “Seriously though.  Eat up!”  And just to show them he meant it he headed to the buffet table himself.

       “Uh, oh, better go now or he’ll eat it all!” Duke warned.

       There was a general movement toward the table as everyone took Duke’s warning to heart.  They knew how Joey was with food!

       Tea laughed at the comforting familiarity of it all. Some things never changed.


       Tea had never felt so happy.  Her friends were amazing; it was as though no time had passed at all.  She was laughing with Marik, of all people, while Ishizu looked on with a motherly smile.

       “And then he told me that he was afraid it would be impossible as I was a foreign citizen, but my sister cleared that up soon enough.” Marik winked at his sister who laughed.

       “He never was very bright.” She told Tea, “But that was part of his charm.”

       Tea smiled.

       It was at this point that something happened that reminded Tea just how much time had passed.  There was a knock on the door.

       “Got it!” Tristan vaulted over the coach – earning a shout of dismay from Mai – and ran to the door.  He had evidently appointed himself door monitor for the event.  He opened it and his eyebrows shot up.  “Hey! Uh, welcome, I didn’t know you guys were coming.” He looked over his shoulder at Yugi.

       Tea’s brows knit together in confusion; they were all here, who else could have come?

       “To be honest, I didn’t think we could make it, but I managed to rearrange some things.” 

       Tea’s eyes widened, the voice was familiar… and not one she expected.

       “Where’s Tea?” an eager voice asked.  She couldn’t quite place this one.

       “She’s over there.” Tristan jerked a thumb toward Tea and the man at the door stuck his head inside.

       Tea shot out of her seat with a smile. “Mokuba!”

       “Tea!” the young man hurried toward her and then stopped uncertainly a few feet away.  Behind him a taller, brunette figure entered and cast a smile in their direction before resuming his conversation with Tristan.  It was Seto Kaiba.

       Tea failed to notice him because she was so focused on his younger brother.  He was so grown up! Tall, though not as tall as Kaiba, and handsome, his hair was still a little long and shaggy.  But then, he must have been in his twenties as well by now.

       Tea hugged him warmly and he blushed.

       “Look at you!” she gushed, pulling back to study him, “How old are you now?”

       “Twenty two.”

       She nodded, still clasping his hands lightly in hers.  She had always been close to Mokuba – how had she let that get away over the years?  He was such a great kid. 

       “How’ve you been?” she led him toward the couch and they sat facing each other.  Marik and Ishizu exchanged a smile and moved quietly away.

       “Good.” Mokuba told her, “I’m helping Seto in R&D now, it’s been very exciting.  Especially with all the new product ideas Yugi keeps bringing to the table.  He’s amazing.  Yami too – they make a great team. We’re lucky to have them.”

       Tea nodded, she and Yugi had kept up over the years and he had written her telling her that he and Yami now worked closely with Kaiba corp.  She smiled, “And how does your brother feel about that?”

       “He thinks it’s great.  You should see him Tea, he’s really changed.”

       Yugi had told her a little about that as well, but he was an optimist by nature, and very forgiving, she hadn’t known how much to believe.  She glanced up and over at Kaiba.  He was handsome as ever, wearing black dress pants and a black silk shirt, with a blue tie.  He was smiling, actually smiling, as he talked with Duke and Tristan.  Joey and Mai came over, Joey’s arm around Mai’s waist, he said something and Kaiba laughed.

       It was a warm sound, low, deep, and resonating.  She had never heard him laugh before.  Not like that.

       Then it struck her that he was talking to Joey.  Would wonders never cease?  Maybe he really had changed.

       As though sensing her gaze Kaiba turned toward her.  Their eyes locked and his smile softened.  He raised his glass to her and she gave a small wave, feeling heat creep over her cheeks at getting caught staring, and maybe there was something more as well.

       There was something in his eyes just then…

       A hand on her shoulder drew her attention.

       “Hey Tea! Mokuba!” It was Bakura, “Mind if I join you?”

       “Of course not.” Mokuba smiled, “We were just catching up.”

       “Ah, well, hope it was nothing but good news.” He smiled, truly interested.  Bakura had always been so open, it was a shame he had lived so much of his life alone.

       “Yeah,” Tea shifted so she could easily talk to both men, “Mokuba was just telling me about his work in Kaiba corp. “

       “Ah.” Bakura nodded, he knew all about that.

       “Speaking of work,” she leaned toward him, “what have you been up to?”

       Bakura shrugged, “Nothing much,” he said modestly, “Bakurai and I have been working with Ishizu on various Egyptian exhibits.  He knows so much about the tombs, and the relics, and since my father was an archeologist I know a little myself.  Plus, I’m the only one who can deal with his mood swings.  I think it’s going to take him a while to fully heal.”

       Tea nodded in understanding, “Bakurai?” she asked with a smile.

       “Oh, that’s what we finally decided his name should be, since he still can’t remember his old one.  And he was so used to answering to my name.  It just seemed the best choice.”

       “Bakura and Bakurai, handsome archeologist team extraordinaire.” She mused, “I like it.”

       Bakura blushed at her description of them and quickly moved on to safer subjects.  “And you?  I hear you took New York by storm.”

       Now it was Tea’s turn to blush, “I wouldn’t say that.” She demurred.

       “I would.” Tea looked up in surprise as Kaiba came to join them; he sat across from her crossing his legs casually.  “I saw one of your performances, you were very good.” His blue eyes held hers and she felt heat rush through her.  Why was he looking at her like that?

       To cover her embarrassment she turned the focus toward him.  “Really?  You should have said hello.”

       He shook his head, though he appeared regretful, “I was on a business trip at the time.  I wanted to stay, but my associate…” he let the sentence trail, but his eyes never left hers.  Finally she looked away.

       “Oh,” she said lamely.  Why had she said that?  Certainly he had better things to do, at that time they hadn’t been friends.  They still weren’t friends; though he was friends with her friends and he had come to see her so… maybe they would be friends from now on.  Looking at him she found herself hoping that would be the case.  There had always been something about him…        

       “He told me he saw you.  I was so disappointed!” Mokuba drew her back to the conversation.

       “Wish I had gotten to see you.” Bakura looked vaguely disappointed.

       Tea smiled, “Well, maybe you can come see me sometime at the school.  I have a teaching job out here you know. It won’t be Broadway, but you might get some laughs.”

       “I just might take you up on that.” Bakura told her.  “And I’ll see if I can’t drag my doppelganger with me.  He could use some entertainment.” They all looked to where Yami Bakura, or Bakurai, as he was now known, sat attempting to talk to Marik.  He didn’t look mad, just… not happy.

       Kaiba smirked, “Good luck, you let me know how that goes.” He deadpanned.

       Bakura smiled.

       “Well,” Seto stood, smoothing his trousers, “I’d love to stay, but, as I said, Mokuba and I had to do some juggling to get here at all, and we do have a meeting to attend.”

       Mokuba stood as well smiling apologetically, “Sorry Tea.”

       “It’s fine.” She waved away his concern.

        “Tea, it was great to see you again.” Kaiba gave her hand a warm shake that lasted a little longer than was probably necessary, and then headed toward the door.

       “See you tomorrow Yugi.” He called as he reached the door, “You too Yami.” Yugi and Yami acknowledged him with a smile and a wave. “And Joey, keep your woman in line.” He winked; Joey grinned and tossed his a salute.  Then he was gone.

       Tea stared at the door for a moment after he was gone. 

       The rest of the party went well. She caught up with everyone – though most she head kept in touch with anyway.  And it was easy to fall back into her old relationships.  But, when Yugi had dropped her at her apartment that night and she had finished getting ready for bed, it was the memory of the warmth of Kaiba’s hand as it lingered on hers and the strange softness in his eyes that accompanied her to sleep.

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