Updates Pg. 11


        -1 new YGO summary
        -1 new Pokemon summary
        - 1 new IY fanart by our new artist arehandora
    Yu-Gi-Oh! has ended *sniff*  whatever shall I do? As annoying as the show often was I will miss it.  On a happier note - we have a new artist, arehandora.  She is awesome.  Highly recommend you check out her work.  You can find the link to her deviantArt profile in the GA links, or click her name under the picture thumbnail to bring up her personal site.  We are so happy to have added her to our family of artists ^_^

    - Andrea -



        -1 new YGO summary
        -1 new Pokemon summary
        - 2 new GA fanart.  A Beyblade piece by achiru and a piece by thirdeyeblind.  I don't know what it is from, but the picture is just awesome.
    Updates, when they happen, will most likely be on weekends for the next two or so months.  I'm at rehearsals almost every week day.  I have a lovely routine: get up and go to work, drive from work to practice, come home and sleep, get up and do it all again ^_^

    - Andrea -



        -1 new YGO summary
        -1 new Pokemon summary

    - Andrea -



        -1 new YGO summary
        -1 new Pokemon summary
        - 2 new Inuyasha fanart by David (our very own) and psyconorikan
    Sorry this is late.  I did my summaries and everything on Monday, and then Brian called me and I totally forgot.  Since I had today off I decided to just do it now.  Updates are probably going to be sporadic for a while.  I'll still try for once a week, but it will have to be on weekends.  I'm in a play and I have rehearsals every night for the next two months...

    - Andrea -



        -2 new YGO summaries
        -2 new Pokemon summaries
        - 2 new pokemon fanart by artjenesis
    There is one update under the Nintendo section... a fanfiction based on FFVII  just in case you care...

    - Andrea -



        -1 new YGO summary
        -1 new YGO fanart by achiru
  I've begun posting my new Inuyasha story on fanfiction.net  As soon as I get it all edited I'll post it here as well ^_^

    - Andrea -



        -1 new GA fanfiction by Alena S. Anigor
        -1 new GA fanart by Psyconorikan
   I'm nearly finished with a new IY fanfiction.  It should be up next week or the week after depending on whether I decide to post it by chapter or in its entirety. If I decide to post it all at once I have to edit it all first so it'll take longer...

    - Andrea -

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