...Digimon Tamers

Characters|Storyline|Episode Guide|Misc.|FanArt|FanFiction|Commentary|Links



Foreground to background: Guillomon, Growlmon, WarGrowlmon, Gallantmon

Takato actually created Guillomon.  Because of this, Guillomon isn’t the brightest or most sophisticated of digimon (he was created by a ten year old!).  Guillomon is sweet and eager to help.  He’s also playful and a little simple.  Everything needs to be explained to him, but once it is he’s a black and white kind of digimon. Things are either right or wrong.  See, everything is so simple when you’re Guillomon. Oh, and he’s always hungry, he likes bread!

Digivolutions: Growlmon (champion), Wargrowlmon (ultimate), Gallantmon (mega - biomerge)

Attacks: Pyro sphere (Guillomon); pyro blast, plasma blade (Growlmon); atomic blaster (Wargrowlmon); Lightning Joust, Shield of Justice (Gallantmon)

Tamer: Takato