...General Anime



Family Life

        Is it just me or does nobody in anime have both parents?  Some don't have any parents!  Name to me one normal family...

        If you need examples I have a list.  Sakura (CCS) only has a father, Madison only has a mother, and Julian has no parents.  I think Li only has a mother as well.  Kagome, from Inuyasha, only has a mother, and no one else has any parents left.  Orphen (from the series Orphen) is an orphan, Majic only has a father, and Cleo only has a mother.  In pokemon Ash only has a mother, Brock only has a father, and Misty only has sisters - though Max and May have both parents.  In Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugi only has a grandfather (although I hear he has a mother in the Japanese) and the only other character who has parents seems to be Joey, who only lives with his father - and we only know he has a mother because somehow they had to explain why he and his sister don't live together...  In Yu Yu Hakusho Yusuke only has a mother, Kurama only has a mother, Hiei has a sister but no parents, who knows who Kuwabara lives with since we only see his sister, and Keiko is a complete mystery - oh wait!  We do meet her parents... they own a restaurant.

        Digimon may be an exception as some people have both parents - Henry and Takato from season 3, and Takuya from season 4.  Megaman has at least one exception - Lan has both parents, but his dad's always running around doing science stuff, and we never see anyone else's parents.

        To make matters worse, we rarely ever hear about missing parents.  Ash's mom says once that his father would be proud of him.  But she says it in such a way that we don't know for certain if he's dead or on a trip...

        TV has an odd view of family doesn't it...