
Characters|Storyline|Episode Guide|Misc.|FanArt|FanFiction|Commentary|Links



    Miroku is the cheerful and lecherous young monk.  He has been cursed from birth (a generational cursed passed down from his grandfather, to his father, to him - inflicted upon them by Naraku, it will only go awya when he is destroyed) with something he calls the 'wind tunnel'.  This is essentially a hole in his right hand that, when open, sucks in everything.  It gets bigger every year and will one day consume him as well.  He keeps it sealed with a set of rosary-like beads.  Despite the threat he lives with Miroku is generally very cheerful, and often wise.  He also possesses spiritual power which allows him to sense demons and aura's and also to utilize talisman's to exorcise demons.  Unfortunately he also is a lecher, a liar, and a cheat.  He is constantly hitting on women, performing fake exorcisms for lodging and food, and giving false fortunes for money.  Still, he's a good friend to our little group.  He seems to have a serious interest in Sango, but he's such a lecher that it's hard to be certain.

Weapons: Wind tunnel so far its only known weakness is Naraku's poisonous insects.

    Talismans used with his staff they use spiritual energy to destroy demons and create barriers.  He also uses his staff for physical fighting.