Majic is the son of an innkeeper in the small town near Cleao's mansion. Over the year that Orphen stays in the town, watching Cleao's house for a chance to steal the sword of Baltanders, Majic becomes somewhat obsessed with Orphen and his abilities. Majic's father insists that Orphen take Majic as an apprentice, and Orphen reluctantly agrees. Majic is very sweet and naive, and he can be very brave, but really he's still just a kid. He and Cleao have some issues, but they really care about one another. Majic swings between veritable hero worship of Orphen, and thinking Orphen is a little crazy. Orphen doesn't seem to train him much, but he must learn something because he uses a couple of killer spells near the end of the series. In the very end he is accepted into the Tower of Fang as a student, but he ends up leaving because he's a little bored and misses Orphen. He meets up with Orphen and Cleao again and they set out, presumably looking for more adventures.