Endings and New Beginnings
Chapter 7: Wedding Resolutions
“Ash! Hey Ash!”
Ash looked up from his conversation with Misty’s sisters to see
“If you’ll excuse me ladies.” He bowed slightly as he turned away. Once they could no longer see his face his smile dropped and he rubbed his temples. They were giving him such a headache.
“Ash, you’ve gotta come quick!”
Ash shrugged off
“It’s gramps, he won’t come out of his room and the door’s locked.”
Ash groaned, “I thought only brides had this problem on their wedding day.” He whispered.
“Yeah, well, gramps definitely has cold feet.”
“Can’t you handle it?” Ash eyed
Ash face faulted, looking at his friend in disbelief. “Won’t they need that tonight?”
“Not if we don’t get gramps out of his room.”
“Professor.” He rapped lightly on the door. “Professor, open the door.”
He heard muffled movement inside, something pressed against the door. “Ash?”
“Professor Oak, I need you to open the door.” Ash said gently.
“I can’t.”
Ash sighed, “then I’ll need you to move back.”
There was a pause, “Why?”
“Because I’m going to knock down the door.”
“WHAT!?! NO!”
Ash heard the lock turn and then the door swung open.
The Professor looked accusingly at
“Not that! This.” Professor Oak pointed at Ash.
“I had to do something!”
The professor shook his head and let them in. He sat wearily on the bed, staring out the window.
“I don’t understand professor, you were so calm earlier.” Ash knelt in front of him. “What’s bothering you.”
“I can’t do this.” He said miserably.
Ash looked to
“I can’t marry your mother.” He buried his face in his hands.
Ash smiled gently, “Why not? Don’t you love her?”
Professor Oak jerked his head up, “Of COURSE I love her!” he said angrily.
“Then I really don’t see the problem.”
The professor’s face fell again, “she’s so young, so vibrant, and I’m so… so, old.” He stated simply. “How could I possibly make her happy?”
Ash rested a hand on Professor Oak’s hands, “But she is happy, and you aren’t that much older than her anyway.”
“Oh, she’s happy now, but in a few years, she’ll despise me for taking her life away.”
Professor Oak looked from Ash to
He stood, grabbing his tux jacket, “Silly old man, I must be losing my mind in my old age.” He mumbled as he finished getting ready.
Ash and
“What, what?!” Tracey skidded to a halt in the doorway, breathing hard. He looked from person to person in confusion, “Did I miss it? Jenny said there was a crisis.”
Professor Oak tugged his jacket sharply once, “No crisis, everything is just fine.” He raised an eyebrow, “Provided of course, you have the ring.”
Tracey, still looking confused, nodded and pulled the shiny gold band out of his pocket briefly.
“Good!” The Professor beamed, “Then let’s make our way downstairs.”
“How are we ever gonna find seats for all these people!” Brock groaned. Richie smiled at him as he walked by with another group of well wishers to seat.
“Less talking more ushering.” Joy whispered through her teeth, never dropping her smile, as she pushed him from behind.
“Argh.” Brock stumbled forward and took the hand of the Viridian Jenny, guiding her to her seat. No bride and groom’s side here, Delia had invited way too many people for that.
“Where do I sit?”
“What?” Brock started, “Oh, James.” He seemed relieved, someone he knew where to seat, he pointed, “You’re up front with Jenny. Joy, will join you later. Richie and I have to stay back here.” He grimaced. James laughed and went to take his seat.
“Ma’am, sir! I need you to… OH!” Richie shook his head. These people were treating this like a reunion rather than a wedding. They were talking and laughing, didn’t they realize that if they never sat down this wedding would never start? Richie was nearly ready to give up.
“Which is the groom’s side?” Brock paused, that voice was oddly familiar.
“There is no groom’s side Professor, or bride’s side for that matter. It’s really sort of a free-for-all.” Richie explained.
“Really?” The woman’s cultured voice sounded amused.
Brock turned slowly. It was Professor Ivy. Joy came up to him, slipping her arm through his. The woman turned from Richie, noticing Brock.
Her brows lifted in surprise, “Hello, Brock.” She held out her hand.
He took it reluctantly, “Hello, Professor. How nice of you to come.” He seemed to have trouble getting the words out. Joy squeezed his arm lightly. Richie, noticing the tension, came and took Professor Ivy by the arm.
“I believe I’ve found a seat for you right this way…”
Professor Oak peaked into the large converted room and drew back in alarm. There were so many people! “Is it too late to run?”
“Oh no, Professor.” Ash placed a firm hand on his back, “You’re staying right here.”
Professor Oak smiled at him. Tracey looked confused, it had been a joke, right?
Richie stuck his head out the door. “Five minutes till show time, you guys can come take your places now.”
The other men nodded, straightening their tuxedos before heading for the front of the room. In a few short minutes the real fun would begin.
“Oh, I’m so nervous!” Delia gushed in the small room the women were waiting in.
“You’re not having second thoughts are you?” Misty asked, half kidding.
Delia looked startled, “Of course not dear, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.” She paused, “Well, except about Ash becoming the world’s greatest pokemon master. I’ve been sure of that since he was still in diapers!” She smiled brightly.
Misty giggled at the picture of Ash, crawling around in diapers, with pokeballs attached to his waist.
“I don’t see why she gets to stand up there with us.” Jesse groused, referring to May Oak. “I mean, she’s not Delia’s friend, she’s just the groom’s stuck up, self-important granddaughter. I say somebody outta put her in her place.”
“Jesse.” Misty scolded lightly. She was fond of the older woman now, even close to her, but she had to admit that Jesse still had some rough edges.
Ash knocked lightly and then stuck his head inside, “Show time!”
Delia stood, grabbing Misty and Jesse each by one hand and squeezing lightly, “It’s time!” she was giddy as a schoolgirl.
Misty grinned as they walked toward the room. May followed stiffly behind. How could she see where she was going with her nose so high in the air?
“My, it’s loud in there isn’t it?” Delia asked in wonder.
Misty peaked through the door, “Brock!” She motioned him over.
“Sorry ladies,” he said apologetically, “we just can’t seem to get everyone in their seats and quiet. We’re only two men after all, and this is a mob! It’s like a toy store at Christmas or some bizarre family reunion.” He shrugged helplessly, “We don’t know what to do. We thought when the groom and his party took their positions people would get the hint, but they just won’t stop!”
Jesse harrumphed and tossed her red hair. “I’ll handle this.” She entered the room, throwing open the door.
“Ladies and gentlemen please.” Richie pleaded, “We need you to take your seats.” He reached for one guest, pulling lightly on her sleeve.
“SHUT UP!!!” Jesse shouted.
The room became dead silent as all the guests turned to look at her.
“Hmph.” She tossed her head and stepped back outside to take her place in the bridal procession.
“Uh, thanks Jess.” Brock said lamely.
Richie seized the opportunity, “Will everyone please be seated so that we can start the wedding processional.”
Thankfully, everyone did as he asked. Truth be told, they were all too frightened of the crazy red-headed bridesmaid not too. James smiled gleefully at his wife’s actions. She was so wonderful!
Ash took a deep breath and smiled at his mother. “You ready.” She nodded, smiling at him. Tears of joy caused her eyes to sparkle.
“I love you mom.” He leaned over to give her a light kiss on the cheek, and then straightened as music began to play. It was time.
The rest of the wedding went off without a hitch. At least that’s what they told Ash. He didn’t notice. He was still thinking about his speech. And his tux – this thing itched! What did Proctor do in it? Roll in the grass?
All Ash knew was that half an hour later his mom was pronounced Mrs. Oak, and she was the happiest he had ever seen her.
They were partway through the reception: the cake had been cut, toasts given, and gifts were piled high, but Ash knew the hard part was still coming.
Ash frowned, “Why doesn’t Tracey have to give the speech again?”
Tracey smiled and clapped him on the back, “Ash, we told you, you’re really the best man, I was just standing in for you so you could walk your mom down the aisle.”
“So I get both the hard jobs! Life is so unfair.” He groused loudly.
Tracey looked shocked, “I held the rings!” he exclaimed defensively.
Ash glared at him, “life is so unfair!” he repeated quietly.
Misty rolled her eyes, “Oh Ash, quite whining. It’ll be fine.”
“That’s easy for you to say – you don’t have to give a speech.”
With a toss of her head Misty yanked him over to the head table and pushed him into a seat. The others quickly took their own seats as handsomely dressed waiters brought in huge platters of delicious looking food.
Richie sniffed appreciatively, “smells even better. Don’t you think so Ash?”
Ash didn’t answer. As soon as the food got close enough for him to reach it he piled his plate high and began eating rapidly.
“Wow, look at him go.” Richie was in awe. Ash’s arms were moving so fast they were a blur. He didn’t even stop to draw breath.
“Ash!” Misty glared at him, “I thought you were nervous.” Ash nodded, “How can you eat like that when you’re nervous!?”
Ash put down his fork for a moment and defended himself, “I can’t help it! Being nervous makes me hungry!”
“Everything makes you hungry.” Misty said disapprovingly.
Ash paused, swallowing hard (he had just taken another bite) “So?” he asked defensively.
“You’ll make yourself sick.” Misty made a grab for the fork, but Ash snatched it up possessively and began eating again.
“He’ll eat all the food!!!” Brock wailed.
Misty threw Brock a scathing glare, “No, he won’t.” she stated harshly. She turned back to Ash. “Stop, Ash.”
He looked as though he was considering, then kept right on eating.
The head table became a tumult of movement as everyone tried to help the choking Ash.
“Did he swallow the fork?”
“Maybe it’s a bone.”
“There are BONES in the FOOD!? I knew this catering thing was a bad idea!”
“HELLO!??! He’s CHOKING here!”
“Ahhhhh.” Ash drew in a long breath. Reaching for his water glass he drained it in one long draught. Misty took this opportunity to take his fork.
“Serves you right!” she said sharply. “Now stop it.”
Ash’s head fell to his chest. He sat with his hands in his lap looking truly miserable. For a few moments Misty sat watching him, she felt bad for him. She leaned over and kissed him.
“Wha!?!?” Ash eyes widened.
Misty patted his hand lightly, “You’re gonna be great.”
Ash blushed, “yeah.” He didn’t sound convinced, but he did relax – just a little.
Until, of course, James wickedly suggested that it was just about time for the speech. Ash went white, he clung to Misty’s hand with such strength that no matter how she tried she couldn’t get him to release her.
“Ahg.” She tried to pry his fingers away.
Finally Richie leaned over her and pried his fingers loose. He stood, pulling Ash to his feet. “Sorry pal,” he murmured, “it’s time.”
Ash gulped nervously, leaning heavily on Richie.
“Um, Ash,” Richie said quietly, “I really need to take my seat.” Ash shook his head violently, tightening his grip. With a sigh Richie stopped trying to disentangle himself.
There were muted giggles and chuckles as Ash and Richie stood there, but Ash didn’t notice. He was busy surveying the people at all the tables, under all the canopies.
His mom had invited all of Indigo, and half of everywhere else. How did she know all these people? How could she do this to him?!
A quiet mutter reached his ears, “Come on, Ash.” It was Gary.
Suddenly Ash realized how silly he must look. Huge Ash Ketchum, pokemon master, who had saved the world – more than once!!! – was hiding from wedding guests! He blushed. He had defeated the Elite five, and here he was shaking like a leaf over some stupid speech!
He released Richie, who gratefully (and quickly – no sense tempting fate) sat down. Ash pulled his notes from the inside pocket of the tux jacket.
'Friends and family' (crossed out)
friends and family'
A lot of help that was.
Why hadn’t he actually written a speech?
Maybe it was like those stupid sailor’s superstitions: if you never learn to swim you’ll never need to know how. So if you never write the speech you’ll never have to give it?
Oh man! What was he going to do!?
He looked around at all the expectant faces, at the supportive looks his friends were giving him, the adoring looks his mother was giving him.
Drawing in a deep breath he squared his shoulders.
“Welcome friends, family, and people who made the mistake of smiling at my mother from across the post office and received a wedding invitation…” this earned muted laughter; it certainly did seem as though his mother had invited everyone she’d ever seen – whether she’d talked to them or not! Ash relaxed.
“As you can tell, public speaking is one of my favorite past times.” Ash gave a wry grin, as the crowd laughed even louder, “So I’ll just get right down to it. My mom is a very special person. She’s always supported me, always loved me, always fed me,” he smiled, “and if you don’t think that’s an accomplishment you’ve obviously never seen me eat!” That earned loud laughs from those who knew him best, accompanied by a hearty ‘AMEN!’ from Brock. Ash shot him a glare.
“She’s wonderful, and she deserves to be happy. And she had better be Professor.” Ash cracked his knuckles warningly, narrowing his gaze at Professor Oak. Professor Oak pretended to cower and then smiled. “I know she will be.” Ash said quietly.
Delia was crying now.
“Professor Oak, what can I say,” Ash shrugged, “you’ve always been a mentor to me. You’ve given me advice, helped my pokemon, come to my league matches. You’ve been more than a mentor, you’ve been a friend, and I’ve never really understood why,” Ash eyes Professor Oak and his mom suspiciously, “though I have my suspicions now.” Professor Oak released Delia and waved his arms in a comic negative gesture. Ash smiled, “but I’ve always been grateful. And now that you’ll be my dad,” he gave a mock grimace, “you can’t complain anymore!” More laughter, this was going much better than he had expected.
“I love you both – you deserve each other. Congratulations.” Ash raised his glass, signifying the end of his speech, and took his seat with relief – he never wanted to do that again.
“Good job Ash,” May leaned over to catch his eye. He smiled weakly.
“That was great Ash.” Misty beamed at him.
Richie socked him. “It was a great speech Ash.” He reassured his friend.
“Yeah. Hey,” Ash rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously, “say, about that whole death grip thing…”
Richie shrugged him off, “It’s fine.”
“Hey, Ash can I see your notes?” Tracey asked, “I want to put them in the album.”
“Erm, um,” Ash looked around frantically for escape.
“Here they are.” Misty, oblivious to her boyfriend’s discomfort, took them from his limp hands and gave them to Tracey.
“Thanks.” Tracey looked at them and started, “Ash – there’s nothing here!”
Ash blushed, “Ahhahahahaha, yeah well, I…umm.”
“Ash! You never wrote your speech!?” Misty shrieked, drawing bewildered glances (Whoa! De ja vu).
Ash shrugged, “I couldn’t think of anything to say.”
Misty just stared at him in disbelief.
“Well, you got it out when it counted,” May told him, “that’s all that really matters.” Ash smiled gratefully at her.
“But my album,” Tracey whimpered.
Jenny squeezed his knee lightly, “your album will be fine. I’ll help you reconstruct the speech later.” Tracey smiled dopily.
“Oh, brother.”
“Well,” Professor Oak stood, drawing everyone’s attention, “Now that that’s done, off to the dance floor.” He looked above his head with a smile, “or, perhaps more appropriately, the dance tent.”
Delia swatted playfully at him, “It’s a canopy darling.”
“Oh yes.” Professor Oak grinned.
As the guests stood to move to the next set of canopies, leaving the caterers to clean up, Ash stood to follow Misty.
“Ash,” Professor Oak laid a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. He turned to Misty, “I wonder, my dear, if I might steal your escort for a few moments.”
Misty dipped her head in acquiescence, “Of course.” She placed a hand lightly on Ash’s arm. “I’ll wait for you by the punch table.” He watched her leave.
“Ash,” Professor Oak drew his attention back, the professor seemed almost nervous.
Ash gave him his full attention, giving him a reassuring smile. Was this about his mom?
“Um, about your speech,” Ash grew cold, uh oh, what had he done wrong? “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for some time now.” Ash waited as the Professor shifted uneasily, “Well, show you I guess.” He held out a worn and faded notebook.
“What?” Ash asked in confusion. And here he’d thought it was something big.
Professor Oak stuck the notebook further towards him, “Take it, have a look.”
Ash took it uncertainly, “Wow, this is ancient,” he paused and looked at it closer, “and somehow... familiar.” He finished quietly. He began flipping through the pages, careful not to hurt them. It had all sorts of pokemon sketches and information about them. “Hey, what’s this?” He stopped at a picture of himself and Pikachu. “But this, this is when… I don’t understand.” He looked up at Professor Oak, “Where did you get this?” he asked.
The Professor put a hand on Ash’s shoulder, “Ash, you know that my first name is Samuel right?” Ash nodded blankly, he had heard that somewhere, but what did that have to do with… “Well, Ash, I’m,” he paused, “I’m Sam,” he indicated the notebook, “that is my notebook, from when I was a boy.”
Ash blinked rapidly, trying to comprehend this, “Then it was you, with the Celebi. You really did travel through time.”
Professor Oak nodded, tearing up, “I’ve never forgotten that Ash. You inspired me. From that moment on I knew you were special and so, when I found you again – even though for you we were meeting for the first time – I did my best to teach you, and encourage you. That’s why I’ve watched your progress so closely; I wanted to help you like you had helped me.”
Now Ash was tearing up. “Sam,” he said in wonder, he looked closely at Professor Oak’s eyes, “it really is you.” Professor Oak nodded, “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again, and here I’ve known you all my life! I can’t believe I didn’t realize it. I mean, the way I felt so close to you – why didn’t you tell me?”
The Professor shook his head, “I couldn’t Ash, not until you knew about Celebi, it might have forever altered the timeline. And then, well, I didn’t know how to tell you. Forgive me?”
“Forgive you,” Ash threw his arms around the Professor in an engulfing hug, “I’m just so happy it’s you! I always wondered what ever happened to Sam, and now I know!”
“Ah, ahem, yes well,” Professor Oak cleared his throat and patted Ash’s shoulder weakly, “that’s wonderful Ash.” He pulled away from the exuberant young man with painful effort. “I believe that you owe your mother a dance, after my dance with her of course.” He smiled.
Ash grinned, “Oh, yeah.” He wiped away a stray tear. “See you Professor.” He hurried off to find Misty before his dance with his mom. This might take a while, and he didn’t want her to think he had abandoned her.
“Oh, my lumbago.” Professor Oak rubbed his back gingerly as he followed Ash, “that boy doesn’t know his own strength.”
Tracey was propped up against a tree, observing the festivities. Occasionally he would make a few marks in his sketch pad. It really was breathtaking, seeing all the sheer white canopies, silhouetted against a dark, starry sky, the moon rising over the gentle hills of Pallet. How he loved it here. His eyes fell on Jenny, who was talking to Joy while Brock ran after waiters carrying trays of champagne.
She looked stunning tonight. She was, of course, wearing blue, but tonight she had abandoned her police uniform for something dressier. When had she had time to change? What with the Delia’s disappearance and the whole Seth thing... Her dark blue dress brushed her calves, just below her knees. It was a soft, flowing line – not hard and straight like her uniform skirt. The top was tastefully cut with threads of silver woven through the blue, causing it to sparkle in the dim light. Her hair was pulled half away from her face, not kept in her usual ponytail.
Catching sight of him she smiled and waved. He gave a small wave back before returning to his sketching.
“What are you doing? This is a party not art class!” Gary came up beside him, swirling his drink. He set it down gently, not wanting to break the expensive crystal. “Give me that.” He grabbed the sketchpad away from Tracey.
Tracey tried to reach for it, making mild exclamations, but Gary held it just out of his reach and he finally gave up.
“That’s better,”
“Um, Tracey,” Tracey looked back at Gary, “these are great
sketches, but, aren’t wedding pictures usually focused on the bride and
groom?” Tracey blushed and
Tracey stood for a moment in contemplation, then, setting his sketchpad down with determination, he approached Jenny. Gary was right, now was the time to dance.
“May I have this dance?” Richie smiled at Misty warmly.
“Of course.” Misty smiled back and allowed him to take her hand.
“Actually, I think this next dance is mine.” A voice sounded behind her.
“Of course.” Richie, unconsciously echoing Misty’s words of a moment before, nodded and graciously stepped away.
Misty turned to see Ash smiling down at her. She caught her breath; he really was handsome in that tux. Ash took her hand, leading her onto the dance floor, “Nice of him to look after you while I was away.” He chuckled as May, seeing Richie alone, latched onto him. “Though I’m not entirely certain he didn’t have ulterior motives.”
Misty smiled, allowing herself to fall into the rhythm of the music, enjoying Ash’s warm hand on her waist as he led her effortlessly across the floor. The boy could dance - !
Ash looked down at her appreciatively. She was wearing her bridesmaid’s dress, a stunning blue, floor length, number. Her hair was swept back in a twist. He’d been too nervous earlier to notice, but she was a knockout!
“I thought you were with your mom.” She ventured after a few moments of comfortable silence.
“Only for one dance, but then she was stolen away by that husband of hers.” He gave a mock scowl.
Misty laughed, “Watch it, Ash! He’s your father now!”
“Uh, oh,” Ash grimaced playfully, “this is going to take some
getting used to,” then he smiled, “Hey, does that make me
“Ash!” Misty laughed, restraining him gently, “You stole me from Richie, so you’d better dance with me.”
“I suppose,” Ash frowned, then ducked as she swung at him. He caught her hand, bringing it to his lips, “I love you.”
Misty blushed prettily, “I love you too, Ash.” They lapsed once again into comfortable silence. Misty laid her head against his shoulder and allowed herself to relax completely. Life was good: Seth was gone, the wedding had gone well, Ash loved her… nothing could ruin this moment.
Well, almost nothing…
It was at this moment the room filled with smoke, accompanied by some very familiar music.
“If that’s Jesse and James…” Ash growled.
But unfortunately it wasn’t.
“Prepare for trouble,” came a high pitched, snobbish voice.
“And make it double,” a rough voice followed.
“To infect the world with devastation,”
“To ignite all people within our nation,”
“To denounce the goodness of truth and love,”
“To extend our reach to the stars above,”
“Team Rocket circles the world at the speed of light,”
“So surrender now or you’ll surely lose the fight.”
“Not again,” groaned
“Did you invite them too?” Brock asked in shock.
Delia put her hands on her hips, “I most certainly did not! Who are you people, and why have you interrupted my reception?” Ash drew back in shock; that was the angriest he had ever seen his mother.
Cassidy pointed at Ash, “Give us your pokemon now!”
Ash snorted, “Yeah, right.”
Butch growled, “You heard her kid! A pokemon master must have great pokemon, and we want ‘em – NOW!”
“Ow!” Cassidy landed on the floor with a thump, “Hey! Oh, it’s you.” She scowled at Jesse. “What are you mess ups doing here? We should turn you in to Giovanni.”
“Oh look,” James said with boredom, “it’s Cassidy and Botch.”
“Is that healthy?” Richie asked.
“Who cares?” Said
James stood unfazed, but Jesse was furious. “WE, are invited guests, and YOU are nothing but trouble,” she glared at Cassidy, “So get your stupid orange pigtails out of here!!!”
“Ha, not hardly.” Cassidy stood to her feet. “Houndour, I choose you!”
“Hitmontop, I choose you!” Two pokeballs flew, releasing angry looking pokemon with a flash a light.
Ash pointed toward them, “Pikachu, go!” Pikachu ran at them, a yellow blur.
“You too Sparky!” Another yellow blur.
“Thundershock!” Ash and Richie yelled together.
“Not today kid.” Cassidy smiled as the lightening faded, leaving them and their pokemon unharmed.
Jesse scowled, “Ooh! Zangoose, I choose you!”
“A Zangoose!” Cassidy laughed, “what is that going to do?”
“Ohh! I’ll show you! Zangoose, tackle!” Zangoose performed a flawless tackle – on Cassidy.
“Ooff.” Cassidy went flying.
“Cassidy!!!” Butch yelled, running toward her.
“Not so fast Belch.” James stood before him, “Victrebel go.” Victrebel launched itself at Butch, shrieking.
“Ow, hey! Get this thing offa me!”
“Butch!” Cassidy wailed, “stop messing around and come help me!”
Butch just continued to run around the yard, frantically trying to pry the angry Victrebel off of his head.
Misty heaved a sigh, “This is getting old.” She withdrew a pokeball from her bag and tossed it casually into the air. And out popped…
“JIGGLYPUFF!!!” Ash exclaimed; he looked at Misty accusingly, “you never told me you caught Jigglypuff!”
“Aaahhhh!” Misty’s sisters screamed and hid behind Richie.
Misty shrugged, “It was out of self defense really, when you left to
battle the Elite Five last year it started hanging around
Ash shook his head.
“Jigglypuff, double slap!” The pink blob launched itself at the Team Rocket members.
“Puff, puff, puff, puff!”
“Now Jigglypuff, use sing!”
“MISTY!!!” Ash yelled. What was she thinking?
Misty threw him a careless smile, “don’t worry Ash.”
Jigglypuff began crooning that oh so familiar tune that struck fear in the hearts of so many. But this time only the Rockets fell asleep.
“Wha?” Brock, Tracey, and Ash all gawked.
Misty shrugged, “What kind of a gym leader would I be if I couldn’t train my Jigglypuff to use it’s one powerful attack, without putting the referee and myself to sleep!? Honestly guys.” She shook her head.
The guys all exchanged glances, it was true.
Jigglypuff bounced happily from foot to foot, then it noticed the crowd. It’s eyes widened and began to sparkle. It couldn’t remember the last time it had seen so many people in one place! It loved Misty, but she kept it in that ball all the time! It opened its mouth wide and drew in a breath.
“Jigglypuff! No!” Misty lunged for it, calling the pink pokemon back into its ball. She blushed, “ahha, guess we still need to work on that.” Ash nodded knowingly.
“What are we going to do about them?” Brock nodded toward Butch and Cassidy.
“I don’t know.” Ash shrugged.
“Well, we could round them up.” Tracey suggested. The men dragged the rockets and their pokemon together, tossing them in an unceremonious heap.
“So, now what?” Richie asked.
Richie looked at him, raising a brow, “You
really like that phrase don’t you?” Gary
“Toge, togepri.”
“Oh! There you are!” Misty gushed, “Did Joy bring you?” She turned to Joy, “thank you for keeping Togepi at the breeding center during all this madness.” She smiled at Brock, “you too Brock.”
Joy smiled, “It was nothing. But now that Seth is out of the picture, I thought you might like to see it.”
Togepi waddled over to Team Rocket, and stopped to stare at them in question. “Toge?” It started hopping up and down happily, waving its small arms, “Prri, toge toge prrrriiii!” Its arms began to glow and suddenly there was a huge explosion. The still sleeping rockets went flying.
Misty’s sisters shrieked, running to hide behind Richie again. He rolled his eyes, but everyone else ignored them.
“Well that solves that problem.” Joy stated.
“Togepi! How did he?” Ash sputtered.
“I knew it!” Tracey exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air triumphantly, he took out a notebook and started scribbling furiously. “Togepi used metronome! Haha!”
“You mean, in the
“Yes, Ash, that’s exactly what I mean.” Tracey nodded decisively.
“Hey, no one ever told me Togepi could do all that!” Brock jumped in.
Misty gave him an odd look, “that’s because we could never get it to use metronome on purpose, and it stopped after the Orange Islands, so we assumed something else had been responsible.”
“Well,” Professor Oak smacked at his pants, trying unsuccessfully to get the dust off of them, “that was an interesting experience.” He surveyed the damage to his property, then picked up the bubbling Togepi, “that’s quite a punch you pack there little friend.” He came to stand before Misty, “Misty, would you mind if I studied your Togepi for a while? I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
“Samuel Oak!!!” Delia stood with her hands on her hips.
The Professor blushed, “Erm, after my honeymoon of course, you know, in…” he looked at Delia imploringly, “a few weeks?” she nodded and he smiled.
Misty looked surprised, but Professor Oak had done so much for all of them, “Of course, Professor. I mean, it’s used to being away from me now, so I guess it’d be alright.”
Ash threw an arm around Misty’s shoulder, he knew this was hard for her. He gave her a squeeze, “You’ll be close by anyway.”
She looked at him, puzzled, “I will?”
Ash laughed, “You don’t think I’d let you get away now, do you? Besides, if you’re going to work in the gym you’re gonna have to be here to help supervise the building. You are going to work in our gym aren’t you?”
“Well, I… I guess in all the excitement I kind of forgot all about the gym.” Misty drew in breath and smiled, “Of course I’ll stay and work with you, I mean, how could I not now that… you know.” She blushed, and Ash hugged her closer. He most certainly knew.
“Well,” Professor Oak plunked Togepi into Misty’s arms and the small pokemon was nearly overcome with joy, “I guess this party is over.” He looked at the mess. “Um, can someone clean this up?” he looked around at the young people, “I have a honeymoon to attend to after all – even if I’m not leaving my estate.”
“I will.” Brock volunteered, he couldn’t stand for anything to be messy. Ash could already see him twitching, longing to start cleaning.
“And I’ll help.” Joy offered cheerfully, casting a glance at her boyfriend. They hadn’t spent nearly enough time alone recently.
“Good, thank you.” Professor Oak nodded, then drew Delia to him, “then we’ll take our leave now.”
“Wait Professor!” Called May, “She has to throw the bouquet!”
“Oh, yes.” Delia exclaimed, “I have to do that.” She ran over to the table where she had left her bouquet and then turned her back on the crowd. “Here I go!”
The women rushed to crowd behind her. Misty’s sisters finally came out from behind Richie, eager to try their luck.
“Oh, I love this part!” Jessie sang out happily. She started to join the others, but James caught her arm.
“Aren’t you forgetting something dear?”
“What?” she snapped.
He drew her into his arms, “You’ve already got your happy ending, let’s give someone else a chance, hmm?”
Jesse sighed contentedly and nodded, leaning against him, “Of course James. I guess I just got carried away in the excitement.”
James chuckled and held her close. He had his happy ending too.
“Meowth, what a bunch of losers.” Meowth stared at his claws with boredom. Jesse hit him on the head with her foot. “Ouch! What’d ya do dat for?!”
A raucous erupted from the crowd of women, putting an end to the dispute between Jesse and Meowth.
“Ow! Hey May!”
“What?” May exclaimed, “I didn’t do anything?”
“Not you!” Jenny exclaimed, “that one!” she pointed at May Oak, who apparently had knocked the wind out of her momentarily. Not surprising considering the way she was elbowing anyone who got near her.
“Some lady she is.” Muttered Misty. Joy, clutching her stomped upon foot, most heartily agreed.
“Here it comes ladies.” Delia cried, and she tossed the bouquet way up in the air. It overshot the group of women and landed straight in an unsuspecting Richie’s arms.
Richie looked up from his conversation with Gary , startled, “What the?” Then he froze as some twenty odd women barreled down toward him.
“It’s mine!”
“No mine!”
“He’s MY boyfriend’s best friend, I should get it!” (Now that’s some interesting logic ain’t it?)
“Run Richie!” Ash yanked Richie out of the way just in time to save him from being trampled. Taking the bouquet he tossed it into the air once more. Leaping after it May caught it.
“I got it!”
“It didn’t count!” May Oak said peevishly, “Ash threw it, not Delia. There was interference.”
May rolled her eyes. “Whatever, it’s still mine.” She smiled as she clutched it to her chest.
Professor Oak smiled wearily, he was getting too old for such excitement. “Can we go now dear?” He pleaded.
Delia smiled, “Of course we can.” Taking his arm she allowed him to lead her toward the house.
As if that were a signal the other guests began to leave.
“Well,” Richie stretched, “see you at the house.” He clapped Ash’s shoulder before strolling off. Sparky said a hurried ‘see ya later’ (or more accurately ‘pipikapi’) to Pikachu and hopped on its trainer’s shoulder. May looked from Ash to Richie, then to Misty standing beside Ash, and then ran to join Richie.
Tracey, after a brief conference with
Ash grinned, “Sure, Richie’s got a key, so run and catch up to him.”
Tracey gave Jenny a quick peck and then took off with
“Guess that’s my cue.” Jenny smiled, “I need to check on our prisoners anyhow.” She turned toward Joy, who was standing by Brock surveying the damage, “Hey Joy!” she called, “can you get a ride home?” Joy nodded. With a quick salute Jenny hoped in her jeep and, with a rush of dust and squealing tires, took off toward Pallet proper.
That left just Ash, Misty, Brock, and Joy. Oh, and the catering staff, still collecting the last of the food.
“Hey Brock,” Ash called, “will you be in tonight?”
Brock shook his head, “nah, it’ll be late when we get done here. And I have to take Joy back to town, so I’ll stay at the breeding center tonight.”
“Okay,” Ash threw him a thumbs up, “we’ll be by tomorrow early to put away the tables and stuff. Don’t know what we’ll do with the canopies though.”
Brock threw him a thumbs up in return and then turned back to the task at hand.
Ash grabbed Misty’s hand, “Let’s go.” He told her. As they walked off in the moonlight the last thing he heard was Brock…
“How are we ever gonna clean up this mess!?!” then thoughtfully, “hmm, maybe I can borrow Mr. Mime.”