Endings and New Beginnings

Chapter 8: Aftermath

           “I don’t understand what his problem was, I mean, it’s not your fault he kept going to the same places you did.” Misty’s brow furrowed with worry. 

    It was the day after the wedding and they had just returned from visiting Seth at the Viridian jail (Pallet didn’t have one, they hadn’t ever needed one).  Ash said he needed to understand why Seth had done so much to hurt them, so after the canopies had been put away (the tables would just have to wait) they had all packed up and gone.  Fortunately jail seemed to have put Seth in a talkative mood.  He had told them everything.

            “Yeah, well, Seth certainly didn’t see it that way,” Ash sighed heavily.

            “He was really twisted.” May shuddered.

            “Chu pika.” Pikachu nodded its small head heartily.

            “Maybe.” Ash pressed his lips together, looking at the ground.

            “Come on Ash,” Gary was standing with one knee on the fireplace hearth, leaning against it, “the guy’s hatred of you was based solely on the fact that you were a better trainer than he was.  That’s just crazy.  You don’t try to kill people because they beat you in a competition.”

             Richie patted Ash’s shoulder, “I have to agree with him on that one.”

             “Yeah,” Ash sighed again, “I feel kind of sorry for him.” Pikachu jerked its head to look at him in amazement.

            “Ash Ketchum!” Ash looked up, startled at Misty’s harsh tone.  “Don’t you dare, that man was a jerk.  He doesn’t deserve anything from you!”

            “She’s right, Ash.” May moved closer to look him in the eye, “You and I dealt with him for a long time, you always tried to be his friend – you owe him nothing now.”

            “I know. But...”

            “Oh Ash,” Misty hugged him, “That’s what I love about you, always willing to take the responsibility, always trying to reach out, you’re wonderful!!!” Misty suddenly pulled away, turning a bright red, as the others laughed.  Even May smiled. 

            Ash blushed. “Uh, thanks Misty.”



            Gary groaned, “Where did all these gifts come from?”

            Tracey lifted his head from the writing desk (where he had just recently rested it in frustration) and then dropped it back down, his voice muffled against the surface, “From the seventeen million people Mrs. Ketchum – err, Mrs. Oak - invited to the wedding.”

            There were gifts piled everywhere in the study.  They towered high overhead, flooding the floor.  As if the Professor and his bride really needed all this stuff!  They each had a house full of stuff already!

            Ash picked up a gift and examined it, “I wonder what would have happened if they hadn’t written ‘no gifts necessary’ on the invitations.”

            Richie shuddered, “We probably would have been cataloguing gifts until next week.”

            Gary looked at the gifts in disgust, “What do you mean ‘would have’.  We’re gonna be doing that anyway.”

            “Come on guys, it’s not that bad.”  They all looked at Brock in disbelief.  Decked out in his pink frilly apron and kerchief he seemed completely in his element.

            The boys had been given the tedious task of opening the gifts and cataloguing them – writing who sent what on a list that was increasingly threatening to take over the house.  It was such a long list.

            Then they would give the list to the girls, who would write ‘thank you’ notes on the cards Tracey had painstakingly made weeks before, and send them out.

            “That’s it!” Gary stood, slapping his hands against his thighs.  “I can’t take this anymore.”  He stalked out of the room nearly colliding with his grandfather and Delia.  “Oh, sorry!” He exclaimed.

            “What’s going on in there?” Delia asked, curiously ducking her head into the room.  The Professor, realizing what was about to happen, tried to stop her, but he was too late.  “Dear,” she turned to look at him, “Why are they taking care of our wedding gifts?”

            Professor Oak smiled pleadingly at her, “So we can have a honeymoon dear.” Delia disentangled herself from him and entered the room, ready to do battle.  Professor Oak sighed, he knew they should have gone somewhere for their honeymoon.  Taking off his lab coat he went to join her, “guess the honeymoon’s over.”


           “We have an announcement to make!” Jesse and James stood eagerly before the others.

            The others were sacked out on every available piece of furniture in the Oak’s spacious living room.  They had finally finished all the ‘thank you’ notes, and had found a place for every last gift.

            “Well, come on guys!” Jesse chirped happily.

            Gary was severely tempted to chuck a pillow at her; no one had any business being that happy after the torture they had just endured.

            “Don’t you want to know what it is?” Jesse demanded. 

            “You’re getting married?” Gary asked sarcastically.

            Jesse threw him a scathing look, “We’re already married you dolt!”

            Gary rolled his eyes, he had already known that.  Did she not recognize sarcasm when she heard it?

            James laid a calming hand on his wife’s arm, he smiled at the others, “We’ve decided to move to Pallet… permanently!” 

            “What!?” Most of those present sat bolt upright, weariness forgotten in their shock.

            “But what about your jobs?”  Delia asked in concern.

            Jesse waved her hand, “we’re very important people you know, we just told the company that we would be moving our base of operations here.  Of course, we’ll still have to go on trips now and again, conferences and shows and such, but for the most part we’ll be here – working from the comfort of our new home!”

            “Ain’t the internet wonderful!” James said happily.

            “Uh, yeah, sure.” Ash wasn’t sure how he felt about having them around all the time.  Sure, he liked them now, but Jesse was still a little scary.

            “Oh bruder.” Meowth hoped down from the window sill and walked lazily across the floor.  “Why in da world would ya want ta live here?  It’s so small, so quiet, so boring.”  He looked at them from the corner of his eye.

            Jesse and James looked at him suspiciously, then conferred quietly for a few moments.  

            “Meowth,” James asked, “Would you like to stay here with us?”

            Meowth’s eyes began to sparkle with unshed tears, “Do ya mean it?” He asked hopefully.

            “Well, of course,” Jesse snapped, “We wouldn’t have asked if we didn’t.”

            “Oh, yous guys are da best!” Meowth jumped up, hugging them tightly, “Of course I want ta stay!”

            Ash and Misty exchanged amused glanced, Ash grinned, “Well, this should be interesting.”



            “I don’t remember Misty, really.”

             “Ash!” Misty exclaimed warningly as they entered the room where the others were gathered.  Mrs. Oak smiled as she watched her son and his girlfriend argue playfully.

             “Honestly, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

             “You KNOW you got us lost!  It was you and your stupid map.”

             Ash shook his head, smiling, of course he remembered, but this was way too much fun. “That’s not the way I remember it.”

            “Ohhh!” how could she argue with such headstrong nonsense, she decided to resort instead to mindless violence, “I can still take you out Ash Ketchum!”  Misty swung at him.  “Honestly, that boy!” She shook her head.

            Ash smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist.  She sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes.  She was too happy to be angry, let him tease her all he wanted.

            May rolled her eyes, “Oh, Misty, you’re such a dolt.”

            “May, that wasn’t very nice.” Delia scolded her. 

            “Relax dear, I think May’s still a little miffed at Misty, that’s all.” Professor Oak smiled mischievously.

            “Oh,” May shrugged carelessly, “I’m over that.”

            “Now if only you’d get over Ash.” Richie muttered under his breath.  May heard him.

            “I can think of something that would help me do that Richie,” she emphasized his name and smiled, moving toward him as she fluttered her eyelashes.

            Richie sweatdropped, then moved backwards as she advanced, waving his arms before him. “Uh,” he gave a nervous half laugh, “I, uh, I think I’m more the, uh, swinging single type,” he stammered, “it’s nothing personal, really.”  The last thing he wanted was to offend May, but he didn’t want her coming after him either.

            “Oh come on May,” Gary scoffed, “First Ash, now Richie.  What is it with you and unattainable guys?  Why don’t you focus your attentions on someone who wants them?”

            “Uh, Gary,” Ash said nervously, trying not to let May overhear him, “I wouldn’t say that if I were you, unless you wanna be volunteered.

            Gary shrugged, “Maybe I do.”

            Everyone looked at him in shock.  Gary had always seemed so distant, as though he didn’t need or want friends, and certainly not a girlfriend.

            “Really Gary ?” May asked in wonder.

            “Isn’t one May enough for you?” Ash asked incredulously, referring to Gary’s older sister, “what are you gonna call them?”

            “Well,” Gary mused, “I think I’ll just call sis weedle, ‘cuz she likes to weedle her way into other people’s business.”

            “I heard that runt!” May Oak exclaimed from the other side of the room.

            Gary grinned, laughing, “Or maybe I’ll just call her sis.”

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