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Episode Guide List Pg. 8


Pocket Monsters: Advanced Generation (Series 2)

"Pocket Monsters: Advanced Generation" is considered to be a separate series from "Pocket Monsters" in Japan, and thus the episode numbers were renumbered starting at 1. However, many fans treat "Advanced Generation" as a continuation of "Pocket Monsters", and thus continue to number the episodes from where "Pocket Monsters" left off. Beside each original episode number there will also be an "AG" number for the episode number in the "Advanced Generation" series.

Pokémon: Advanced (Season 6 - Season 1 of AG)

J# E# AG# English Title
277 240 1 "Get the Show on the Road!"
278 241 2 "A Ruin with a View"
279 276 3 "There's no Place Like Hoenn"
280 277 4 "You can Never Taillow!"
281 278 5 "In the Knicker of Time"
282 279 6 "A Poached Ego"
283 280 7 "Tree's a Crowd"
284 281 8 "A Tail with a Twist"
285 282 9 "Taming of the Shroomish"
286 283 10 "You Said a Mouthful!"
287 284 11 "A Bite to Remember"
288 285 12 "The Lotad Lowdown"
289 286 13 "All Things Bright and Beautifly!"
290 287 14 "All in a Day's Wurmple!"
291 288 15 "Gonna Rule the School!"
292 289 16 "Winner by a Nosepass!"
293 290 17 "Stairway to Devon"
294 291 18 "On a Wingull and a Prayer"
295 292 19 "Sharpedo Attack!"
296 293 20 "Brave the Wave"
297 294 21 "Which Wurmple's Which?"
298 295 22 "A Hole Lotta Trouble!"
299 296 23 "Gone Corphishin"
300 297 24 "A Corphish Out of Water"
301 298 25 "A Mudkip Mission!"
302 299 26 "Turning Over a Nuzleaf"
303 300 27 "A Three Team Scheme"
304 301 28 "Seeing is Believing"
305 302 29 "Ready, Willing, and Sableye!"
306 303 30 "A Meditite Fight!"
307 304 31 "Just One of the Geysers"
308 305 32 "Abandon Ship!"
309 306 33 "Now That's Flower Power!"
310 307 34 "Having a Wailord of a Time"
311 308 35 "Win, Lose, or Drew"
312 309 36 "The Spheal of Approval"
313 310 37 "Jump for Joy!"
314 311 38 "A Different Kind of Misty!"
315 312 39 "A Pokéblock Party"
316 313 40 "Watt's With Wattson"

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