...Digimon Frontier

Characters|Storyline|Episode Guide|Misc.|FanArt|FanFiction|Commentary|Links


Koji Minomoto

Koji is a loner.  He’s very self confident and it takes him a long time to realize that he needs other people.  He fights with Takuya a lot, but they really balance each other out.  Koji is often the voice of caution.  He is a strategist.  Despite his lone wolf nature he does care for others, he just doesn’t always know how to interact with them.  He has a deep sense of fairness and justice.  He’s a pretty cool guy.                                                  

      Age-                6th grade, so 11 or 12

      Spirit-                Light

      Evolutions-             Lobomon, Kendo Garurumon, Beowulfmon, Magna Garurumon, Susanoomon