...Digimon Frontier

Characters|Storyline|Episode Guide|Misc.|FanArt|FanFiction|Commentary|Links


Kouichi Kimura

Kouichi is Koji’s twin brother, but they were separated practically at birth when their parents got divorced.  Koji never knew about Kouichi, but Kouichi was looking for him.  Kouichi starts out on the wrong side because Cherubimon uses his hurt and confusion to corrupt him.  Once the guys get through to him he’s a nice guy.  He is serious and quiet, and a little unsure of himself.  But he would give up anything for those he loves.  He has a deep concern for others.               

       Age-                  Same as Koji, 11 or 12

       Spirit-                Darkness

       Evolutions-              Duskmon, Velgromon, Lowemon, Kaiser Leomon