...Digimon Frontier

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The Great Digimon Debate

        The digidestined this season are led by one Takuya Kanbara. Koji Minamoto. And he rocks!!!  Koji?  I agree with you. We’re talking about Takuya. No, Koji. Koji is the leader, not Takuya.  It’s Takuya.  No Koji.  Look, we’ve been through this already, when I first started watching the show it was in the middle of the season, and I thought Koji was the leader See!!! Andrea smacks Brian But then they started showing the episodes from the beginning and I realized that Takuya is the leader.  TRAITOR!!! Yep, it’s all about Takuya.  Koji  NOOO!!! Takuya.  I have proof!  First, he’s always in the middle or the front.  And he decides what they do.  He was the first to digivolve and the first to slide digivolve.  But Koji found his beast spirit first, and he was the first to fusion digivolve.  So!? Plus, when they both unity evolve Koji gets shown most.  He does not. Yes he does.  It starts with Takuya, then it shows Koji digivolve totally uninterrupted, then when he’s finished they show Takuya again.  But Takuya gets shown first and last – that makes him more important.  NO!  Plus, Takuya has the goggles and everybody knows that the leader in Digimon always wears the goggles.  But Koji has the bandana.  Who cares?  In season one Ty wore goggles, in season two Davis wore Ty’s goggles, and in season three Takato wears goggles.  They all wear goggles in season three. No, they wear sunglasses.  I still think it’s Koji.  It’s Takuya I tell you!!! Koji! It’s all about the goggles.


It’s all about Bikinimon. DAVID!!!


I wish he’s stop saying that.  Mom isn’t gonna let me watch the show anymore.