...Yu Yu Hakusho

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Koenma is the seven hundred year old prince of Spirit World who is in charge while his father is away.  He is Yusuke’s boss.  He looks like a toddler and sucks a pacifier, but he also has a teenage form (still with the pacifier though).  He is a little stuck up and he likes to yell.  He’s very emotional, and he takes it out on those around him.  He’s also very demanding, sometimes expecting the impossible.  He’s not very brave though, and always makes sure he himself is out of harm’s way.  But he can’t be all bad because he gave Yusuke a second chance at life and he is in charge of protecting the human world from demons.

                    Age: 700

                    Grade: n/a

                    Race: Diety

                    Occupation: Prince of Spirit World, in charge of Spirit Detective

                    Attacks: none

                    Weapon: none