Quotes pg. 2
"Well, they've burned their skin, shortened their breath, and somehow lost their shirts - all together I'd call it a successful fight"
- Koto concerning Yusuke and Chu
during the Dark Tournament. Stumbling Warrior
anyone know how to write notes when they leave?!”
Kuwabara to the world in general, concerning the world in general. Percentage
of Victory
a man by his wind says I, and yours is the kind I like.”
Jin to Yusuke The Master of Disguise
seems you don't know brothers very well, Botan."
- Kurama Jin, the Wind Master
“Now that’s a wiggle!” – Jin Jin, the Wind Master
"Hey, I needed that!"
- Yusuke to Jin after Jin deflected his spirit gun
Jin, the Wind Master
"Ah come on, it's Yusuke here. I don't have a clue."
– Yusuke to Hiei Jin, the Wind Master
I picture Yusuke’s disposition I see scales and beady eyes, but cute and
furry is another way to go.”
Botan concerning Puu The Masked Fighter
even got your hair!”
Keiko to Yusuke concerning Puu
say the little buggers got my hair, and he’s got it right between his stupid
claws, and he ain’t lettin’ go!”
Yusuke in response to above. The Masked Fighter Revealed