Bakura Ryou

You don't really
get to see much of Bakura. He's evidently British in the dub, he has the
best accent! He's quiet, well, maybe soft spoken is a better description,
studious, mannerly, and cheerful. But he's often very confused, that's
because of the spirit of the millennium ring. The spirit doesn't share
Bakura's mind as Yami does with Yugi, he just sort of takes
over whenever he feels like it. He can see what Bakura sees, but not the
other way around. As a result large portions of Bakura's memory are
missing. Hey, you'd be confused too if a month or two of your life was a
blank and your friends kept telling you you acted weird sometimes. But
Bakura handles it very well, he seems to have accepted the gaps in his memory
and learned to live with them.
Age: 14
Item: Millennium Ring
Yami Bakura