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Seto Kaiba

This guy is definitely cold and unfeeling.  I mean it, unfeeling.  Like, he doesn't often get happy, sad, mad, anything.  Though Joey annoys him I think, and he loves his little brother.  The only other people who get any reaction at all (besides 'you idiot!' whenever someone messes up) are Yugi and Tea.  Kaiba doesn't like Yugi, but he now respects him.  Tea... well, I'm not sure, but he seems worried about her when she's in trouble, and when she lectures him he looks affected.  Anyway, he's the CEO of Kaiba Corp.  He's extremely intelligent, arrogant, and not very nice. But his edges are smoothing out and I think he's going to learn to trust soon. Oh, and Kaiba is the only character called by his last name in the dub.  (Bakura would be as well, except that in the dub they reversed his name so that Bakura is his first name rather than his last).

    Age: 16