Tristan Taylor

I've heard it said that Tristan panics, but I disagree. At least in the
dub Tristan is very solid. He's the one who always sneaks around trying
to save people when the sky is falling. Occasionally he does get a
little jumpy, but that's mainly when he feels like he's being dishonest.
Overall, Tristan's a pretty laid back guy. He's always there for his
friends, even if he disagrees with what they're doing - not that he keeps his
mouth shut though. He's a little eager to fight, but no where near as
bad as Joey (who was his best friend until Joey ditched him for Yugi! But
Tristan doesn't seem to mind so we shouldn't either). He likes to mess
around with Joey (not in a dirty way, but in a wrestling, teasing, horseplay
kind of way). He has a crush on Serenity and is very protective of her.
He's athletic but not the smartest guy around, and he still gets in to trouble
sometimes. Still he's always there when needed, and in a pinch he can
always come up with something.
Age: 16