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Yugi Moto

Yugi is your typical high school boy - only nicer.  He's a little short, a little quiet, a little innocent, and he's really good at games.  All games.  Board games, puzzles, cards, you name it.  Of course, that's to be expected.  After all, his grandfather owns a game shop.  And Yugi's favorite game? Duel Monsters.  It's a card game and is what the show revolves around.  But, back to Yugi.  He's soft spoken, and sometimes shy, but he is never afraid to stand up for his friends.  And when he gets in too deep Yami is always there to bail him out. We'll talk about Yami later.  Yugi dresses a little punk (I think) you know, dark colors, buckles, chains, chokers, studs, all that stuff. He's supposed to be 14 at the beginning of the show (I think), but he looks like a ten year old (maybe even an eight year old).  He has a heart of gold, and never wants to see anyone hurt.  He's also very forgiving, seeing the good in just about everyone.

    Age: 14 (at beginning)

    Millennium Item: Millennium Puzzle

    yami/spirit: Yami