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Maximillion Pegasus was a little crazy.  Evidently the loss of his young wife caused him to become obsessed with resurrection. He wanted all the millennium items and Kaiba's virtual technology to bring her back, and he was willing to do anything to get it.  He stole people's souls! But the truth was, he wasn't completely evil, he was just very very lonely and overcome with grief. Doesn't excuse what he did, but it is a reason.  Other than that he's sophisticated, conceited, rich, he invented Duel Monsters (well, stole it from the ancient Egyptians).  He's evidently intelligent too.  He owned the Millennium eye which he used to read people's minds and capture souls (cheater and a creep!).  And he likes cartoons.  Go figure.  

    Age: Early twenties I think. I heard he was 24.