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Espa Roba was a duelist Joey faced in Battle City.  He is a fairly decent duelist, but he was cheating (pretending to be psychic but really he had his little brother watching from a building and he told him what Joey had) because he did not have confidence in his abilities.  You see, he felt he needed to win to become respected so that he could take care of his four (or was it five?) younger brothers (who, consequently, all look freaky like him - and I mean exactly like him...) and protect them from being made fun of and beat up (circus freaks I tell you - seriously, I think he said something like that even...)  He repents of his ways and decides to turn over a new, more honorable, leaf.

Age:  Well, I'm thinking around the gangs'  but he's got lots of little siblings... so he might be older.  I think he said he was still in school though.